
Friday, July 15, 2011

tomorrow is the big day!

I feel that I needed to start a blog to put my feelings and my new horse adventure into words. A good friend of mine blogs about her horse experience it is very interesting to read. So even though, at this point, I am not ready to share with anyone, I thought I'd still write. As a disclaimer, everything I write will be from my own point of view and I will not censor myself. I may not mention people by name, but these are my thoughts and feelings on my adventure. I believe in the freedom of speech and I will exercise that freedom. 

Tomorrow I bring home my new, and first horse! My feelers (aka feelings) are all jumbled up. I am excited, but overwhelmed. The horse world is quite complicated and I am brand new to it. 

Here is a little background on how I got to the place where I am now. . .My friend Robin bought a horse about a year ago. I started going with her to the barn to see her horse. I met a lot of new people. The barn is a very calming place for me. The smell of the hay and all the horses there just relax me. Robin's instructor at the time, began tacking up this little pony, a Haflinger horse, for me to ride while Robin did a lesson. This horse was Mia and I really fell in love with her. She was so sweet, yet so sassy, what was not to love? I had a connection with this horse. Mia is a lesson horse at the barn, which means that she is ridden by a lot of people. Eventually, I spoke to her owner, and I decided to lease Mia. After a while, I thought, wow, this is really amazing, and I asked Mia's owner if I could buy her. I was denied and I ended my lease with Mia. I wanted a horse of my own, that was not ridden by a bunch of other people. So, heartbreak ensues. . .

Robin and a few other boarders at this barn decided that they wanted to move to a different barn. I began looking for a horse of my own after I could not buy Mia.  I wanted a Haflinger. I did a bunch of reading on them and they seemed perfect for me. I do not want to show or compete or anything. I just want to learn, have fun, and go on trail rides. Even though my lease with Mia was up, I still was going out to the barn with Robin, and some other barn friends, Terry and Anthony. I still had to see Mia. Every day that I went there, I would go in her stall by myself, sit down and cry with her. I have never told anyone that. I am so sad that Mia will not be a part of my life anymore and I will truly miss her.  And I think she knows that. She has been displaying some behaviors that she had not displayed while I was leasing her. So, I think tonight will be the last night I cry with Mia, I just don't know if I can handle it anymore.

And tomorrow I bring home my new horse. A 6-7 year old Haflinger mare. She was Amish trained, and they are very heavy handed, to put it nicely.  I am excited because she is my horse, my first horse and we are going to be going on this adventure together. I am overwhelmed because a horse is a big responsibility; financially, emotionally, and time wise. But I am up for it. I am also scared. What if she doesn't like me? What if we don't bond? So many what ifs! But we are going straight to the new barn, which is amazing!

I will keep posting all about this horse with no name!


  1. Hi Allison!
    Stumbled into your blog from Sarah's (Miles on Miles). Looks like a great read, though I've got 50 some-odd posts to go through! I too just got my first horse this year and it's quite the adventure! Look forward to reading more of yours.
    Sand. (

  2. Thanks Sand! I am going to check out your blog, it seems like we might a a few things in common!


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