
Friday, September 16, 2011

day six and bonding

I think I may be back on track with Shyloh! Having a plan really improves my outlook on things! Today, I went to the barn right after work. This is what I walked in to. . .

What's wrong with this picture?
She usually does not wear the halter in the paddock, but she has been trouble to catch and she needed to be caught yesterday.

I took the wheelbarrow and went into Shy's paddock to scoop poop out of her shelter. She was very curious about the poop removal. . .

After making sure that there was only poop and no hay in the wheelbarrow, Shy went to hang out with some of her neighbors over the fence. . .

Whatcha doin ova there?
Then, I took her inside. I groomed her and put on her Fung-a-way. We went into the arena and worked on a bunch of small tasks. I worked with Shy on ground tying and she did well. We still have a ways to go, but it was a start. Then I did some desensitizing work with a dressage crop until she was totally comfortable with it. She even put the crop in her mouth! Then we did some walk/trot on the lead line over poles. Shy did everything I asked of her! Next, I put a pole on the lowest setting of the upright poles, added some poles to lead Shy to the jump (or hop) and walked her through each way. She was amazing again! Although the closest we came to a jump was when Shy walked two legs over the pole, stopped, then hopped her back legs over together, she still never balked at anything I sent her way!

And finally, we worked on the mounting block. Shyloh is terrified of people on the mounting block! I have been walking her by it, standing up on it while she was loose in the arena, and jumping off of it for the past few weeks. Today, I lined her up to the mounting block and stood on the top. She stood there!

View from the top of the mounting block!
I stepped her up and she swung her back end out, so we repeated this a few time. Eventually, I was able to put my hands on her back and apply pressure! We stopped there. Shy had done a lot this evening and we really bonded tonight! 

I want to take a moment of silence and send my thoughts and prayers to Kathy and her horse, Captain Morgan. He passed on this morning after coming down with colic. I love this picture of Captain! 

Captain Morgan
It encompasses everything about him; his handsomeness, his goofy personality, and his fun attitude! Captain Morgan will truly be missed!

Five foods. I love food! My mother in law owns a restaurant and I get to eat good on a regular basis.

Food 1 - Pickles. I love pickles. I always have loved pickles. Seriously. . .I can eat a whole jar in a day. For Christmas every year, my dad gets me a giant jar of pickles. Yum!

Food 2 - Ice Cream. Dark chocolate ice cream with peanut butter is my favorite.

Food 3 - Mashed potatoes and gravy. Pure comfort food and deliciousness.

Food 4 - Crab legs. Ah. . .buttery goodness. You really have to work for these!

Food 5 - Chicken Paprikash. My grandma used to make this and it was the best!


  1. Oh, I laughed so hard at Shy's picture with her halter all askew. That is Pippin, for sure! I have begun putting a braid around his halter whenever I tie him as he always, always, always tries to scratch it (or bridles) off! Many times I'll tie him while I work with Doc. I'll look over and see exactly what you saw!
    Congrats on the mounting block work. That sounds really good!

    I'm so sorry about your friend's horse. How sad.

    I haven't thought about Chicken Paprikash in ages. My mom used to make it when I was in HS. Yum!

  2. Dreaming - Pippin sounds like a hoot! And thanks, Shyloh is really making progress, it's me that needs the work, I think! Everyone at our barn is in mourning over Captain. So sad and unexpected.

    Gail - Thanks!


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