
Sunday, October 2, 2011

mounting block

What a wishy-washy day! I was not planning on going to the barn, but then I decided that me and Shyloh had such a good day yesterday, that I would go again just to let Shy know that I am there for her. But after going to the Applefest, I was not feeling too well, so I decided not to go. So I took a nap, woke up feeling better and decided to go.

I spent the morning with Mike and we went to a local fall festival, the Applefest. They have crafts and vendors, food and a bunch of other things. We bought an apple pie and some kettle corn and an outdoor decoration for our house. It's that time of year where I have to fight with Mike regarding our front lawn. If it were up to him, our lawn would be covered with inflatable decorations and every other kind of decoration for the holidays until the end of the year. I have to hold him back so that he does not over-decorate!

I took Cooper to the barn with me today. When I arrived, I went to get Shyloh. She was standing in her shelter. Ugh. . .I did not want to cross that muddy paddock to get her. So I called her and she actually came to me! 

I hosed off her legs, picked her hooves, then turned her loose in the arena. Shy and Cooper played around a little bit. . . 

Notice the front leg kick around 16 seconds and the attitude butt around 43 seconds. Sassy pony!

After play time, I worked with Shy on the mounting block. I have to say. . .we have had better days with the mounting block. But we worked on lining up correctly. Shy can do that real well, but continues to swing her butt out when I step on the block. I think I might have in enlist another person to help me keep her rear end in place. The plan is to work in mounting block behaviors for a little bit every time I go out there. Although, I think I have to fore-go the treats. . .she thinks too much with her stomach and becomes preoccupied with getting treats. But, I want to be able to mount her from a block, it is easier for me and better for her. 

Why the stress on the mounting block? I think it is almost time. . .to ride! And with the bonding that we have been doing and Shy's improvements, I have been itching for a ride lately. Terry is going to put together a bridle for me (I had been borrowing a bridle and saddle previously) and let me try a saddle. In the mean time, I am beginning to save for a saddle. Any suggestions? Remember, goal #1 is trail riding!


  1. Hey!! I just bought (well back in May..but haven't used yet but am excited to) a Barefoot treeless saddle. It's the Tahoe model so it's like a hybrid of English and for trail ! :) Check it out!


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