
Sunday, January 22, 2012

wishes do come true!

It finally happened! I have wished and hoped that one day I would get to see this and tonight, Shyloh made my dream come true! I had been at the barn all day, well all weekend really. Shy spent the days outside in the snow and I spent the days working in the barn. 

But today, as I was taking grain out to the pasture boarded horses, I walked past Shy's stall. My first thought upon approach was, where is Shy? But then I saw her. . .

. . .laying down!!! This is not the best photo, but I was shocked. Stunned. I dropped the grain and stood frozen. I was afraid to move because I did not want her to get up. Finally I came to my senses and took my phone out of my pocket. I snapped this picture. 

Then I thought, how strange that she is laying down now. Her door is open. There are other people at the barn and a horse in the arena. Odd. Panic set in for a split second. Is she sick? Is she colicking? But upon closer inspection, she was eating her hay while laying down. True Haflinger.

I moved in to get a closer picture, but she got up. Oh well.I got what I wanted. Next wish. . .to be able to touch her while she is laying down. 


  1. I'm so glad you had your phone at the ready. How cute! And how wonderfully typical... eating while lying down! Pippin would probably do that if he didn't have to get his food out of the NibbleNet!

    1. I always have my phone at the ready :) For moments like these.

      At night, she gets a flake of hay on the ground and a flake in her net. She still had the flake in her net, but was munching on the remaining hay on the ground.

      I seriously wonder if her and Pippin are related!

  2. Too awesome! Congrats on the dream come true. :D I've been near Chrome when he was laying down often since he slept laying down a lot as a foal, but I think I've only touched him once while he was laying down. Unfortunately I didn't have a camera with me, but it was awesome!! I don't know why he let me that day and doesn't now. Oh well, someday. I rarely ever see him laying down anymore.

    1. It really is cool to see them laying down because it is so rare. One horse at the barn likes to lay in the arena and he lets you love all over him. And he is a Fresian mix :)

    2. Really there is a Friesian cross at your barn?? Can you get pictures sometime? :D

    3. I'll facebook them to you, i am not sure how to add them to comments. We have a Friesian/Percheron cross, a Percheron, and 2 Fresian crosses.

  3. Aww very cute! I love it when they lie down!


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