
Thursday, February 9, 2012

made it to the barn

I finally got to the barn tonight but I did not complete anything I had planned to do.
Make video? Nope.
Teach new trick? Nope.
Lunge? Nope.

When I arrived, I was the only person there. Yes! I thought I could make my video in peace. I really did not want to have to make these videos with people at the barn. . .I am kinda of embarrassed by it. Blush. But as I walked down the aisle to Shyloh's stall, I noticed that she was in it and not outside. I had no idea why she was not turned out with her herd, it was strange. So I put her in the arena and checked her out. She seemed fine. 

I set up the video camera so we could tape. But since Shy was cooped up all day, she wanted to run and play and not come to me and do a video. She stopped and rolled around on the ground, then continued to play catch me if you can. Grumble. By now, someone had come to the barn so I put up my camera. Oh well. I think I need a script first anyway. I think I will work on it tomorrow and tape tomorrow night (if no one is there) or Saturday morning.

Instead of taping, I finally caught Shy and we took a walk around the property so she could get some fresh air. We walked around, stopping every once and a while to graze. . .
nom nom nom
. . .and we met up with the big boys. Shy seems to have (another) new admirer in Clutch. Oh pony love, so sweet. 
hey there big boy!
Then I brought Shy inside and took my time grooming her. Sometimes it is nice just to groom her and talk to her and not do work (not that we do much "work"). I think we both enjoyed it. I got all of the mud off of her legs, dipped the muddy end of her tail in water to de-mud it, and put some Corona on the underside of her tail. I guess her tail bag had rubbed it, so I have been treating it and not using the tail bag anymore. Hence muddy tail. 

Jaime was there and it trying to convince me to show Shyloh this summer with her, Notch, and Clutch in draft class. She also wants me to go to some driving clinics with her, she says that they are really fun, everyone is really nice and helpful, and there are a ton of Halfingers! I am pretty sure I want to go to the clinics, not so sure about the showing. We will see. . .If cuteness and sassyness got points, we would win for sure!
more work. . .eh. . .not so sure. does it involve eating grass?


  1. She is so cute! I love that last photo especially. But I gotta say- having never had horses stay at a stable, the thing that is staying with me here is that she wasn't LET OUT with her herd! What's the deal with that? Does that just happen sometimes when you board at a stable? Are you okay with that?

    1. Yeah. . . I was not that happiest about it. Some of the horses are left in because their owners don't want them to get muddy or hurt outside. And sometimes it is weather dependant. I generally want Shy out every day and I am still not sure why she was left in.

  2. I think they award double points for cute sassiness, so Shy would walk away with all the high-point awards!!! : )

    1. Haha! Although I am thinking shows might help increase her confidence, being away from the barn and around other horses and people. I think it will be just halter class. And no offense to you, but I was told that the draft people are a little more friendly than the dressage people ;)

  3. Love Shyloh 'cutting her eyes' in the last photo.
    I envy the relationship you are building with the time you spend just hanging around. When the horses are in the back yard there are too many distractions!

    1. She is the queen of sassy looks!
      And I guess the grass is always greener. . .I wish I had Shy at home! You get to wake up to your boys every morning. That is so special to me!

    2. It is special. I have dreamed of having horses in my back yard since I was a little kid. But, reality is that the work involved sometimes gets in the way of playing with them. But, that's OK.... I can still see them and touch them! (and pick up after them, and nail boards back up after them, and replace hooks and chain.....)

    3. Well. . .with hungry Haflingers, broken gates, hooks, chains. . .are part of what we take on! :)
      It is a lot of work to keep them at home. Maybe the best of both worlds would be to have them home, but have someone else muck and fix things :)

  4. Glad you are feeling better. The driving clinic sounds like fun, and showing can be fun too if you keep light-hearted about it.

    1. Thanks. If I did decide to show, it would only be for fun. I am not interested in anything stressful or serious. Not for me.

  5. Think about trying the show thing at least once. It can be really exciting and fun. I show Norm a few times a year and I just keep the mindset that it doesn't matter at all where we place as long as we learn, have fun, get exposed to lots of activity and commotion. Plus, I think he's the most beautiful boy in the world and I enjoy showing him off in halter classes. To my great surprise he won Grand Champion Haflinger stallion/gelding at our county fair in 2011! Also he gets less timid and spooky the more shows we do so its been beneficial in many ways. And the draft people are super nice.
    Amy in Ohio

  6. So glad your feeling better. I imagine Shy is as well, ecspecially having not been let out. I'm hoping that's the only time it happened while you were ill. I'd boarded my old horse for a short time. I became suspicious regarding his turn outs and set them up. Mo was a mud roller, I'd already taken note that he was still clean from the previous days grooming on a muddy day. So, when I asked how Mo was while turned out and they replied how much he enjoyed it. I knew I'd caught them in a lie.

    1. I talked to my barn owner today. I guess Shy was limping and her hoof had a little heat to it. She picked it out and it was fine, but she wanted to keep her in to be safe. Whew.

  7. No time spent with your girl is a waste of time. :)

    I understand being embarrassed to video tape (I tell people I'm doing it to show my family and don't mention the blog part of it especially for non-tech-y people) or teach tricks in front of people. Some people just don't understand at all. Usually I'm left alone out on my own property, but sometimes my neighbor comes out on her porch to watch. I've sort of got over the self consciousness because she doesn't know much about horses and just thinks they are pretty. I'm cool with have Chrome admirers. :)


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