
Saturday, March 17, 2012

hobby horse blog hop #4

Here are the rules:
Answer one or all of the prompts. Link back to Living a Dream's post. Visit other blogs. And don't forget to ask a question of everyone else!
1. Have you ever been a victim of the weather when you were riding, or participating in some other sport?
Not while riding, but in high school when I ran track and cross country. We had weekend invitationals, where were all day events. They were held as long as there was no lightening. On more than one occasion, we had to suffer through the pouring rain. Luckily, I had a little three person dome tent that we managed to fit 10 of us in! There were also times when we had to run after the rain and by the end of the race, we were covered in mud! I have to say, those were fun times!

2. If you could take a lesson with anyone in the world, who would it be?
Hmmm. . .I have no idea. I don't really subscribe to one particular type of training, so going with my dorkiness, I say Aragorn or Legolos from Lord of the Rings. Yeah, I just went there, hahaha!

3. Which is your favorite season?
Fall, by far! I love the weather, the colors, my birthday, everything!

My question: What bit do you like to use and why? I think Shy's bit is going to be the French link snaffle, so far it is the bit she has responded the best in.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  1. What a great question - especially after my lessons with Jeff Morse, working with Pippin who is very mouthy with his bits. The first day I used a Kimberwicke with a small port. Jeff hated the bit. He said the port does nothing to relieve tongue pressure, and Pippin mouthed the bit the entire time. I used a Glory bit for the second lesson. This is a solid bar bit with a curve that goes up and forward to relieve tongue pressure. Pippin wasn't perfect with it, but he was better. My riding trainer likes me to use a jointed bit. I used a simple jointed snaffle. Pippin was busy with that, too. I was thinking of trying a Mylar double jointed snaffle with a bit of a port. Jeff, the carriage trainer, said that would just give Pippin more to play with and he'd be busier with it. I'm thinking my riding trainer would say, "Go for it!"
    For me... I haven't come upon the perfect bit, yet.
    Oh... I did try a bitless bridle.... but I wasn't sold on that!

  2. I have just a basic curb for Estes. It's the bit she "came with", so I've never changed it and never had a problem.

    I've heard good things about Mylars, Dreaming, but then, they're Julie's favorite bit.

    1. I have heard good things about Mylars, too. But so expensive!

    2. They are expensive, but you get very personal treatment from the Mylar family. I'll never know 1/3 of what Dale Mylar has forgotten about horses. I've never met anyone whose true passion is bits - everything that comes out of his mouth makes perfect sense. If I had a younger horse, or if Estes had a problem with her bit, I'd save the money for a Mylar - the issues I've seen them correct have been astounding. And I'm not even being paid to say that :)

    3. Wow! I am really going to check into this Mylar bit! Thanks for the info!

  3. I really love my myler bit. Surprisingly, every single horse that I ride really takes to the myler (excluding the babies which of course start in a very mild snaffle). I'm not a fan of the tomthumb, but it is the bit most people use at my ranch. I like like the myler is a much better shanked bit. When riding an older horse, I really do prefer using a leverage bit then a snaffle.

  4. Good answers. I think in my younger years running in the mud would have been fun too. What do you think Aragorn or Legolos would accept as payment for a riding lesson? Fall is a favorite of mine too. We usually have some of the best riding weather in the fall here, but it is a short season and winter pokes her nose in early to let us know she is just around the corner. I like fall clothing and colors. October used to be my favorite month of the year, but where I live now, we usually get our first snow in October, so that has lessened my love for the month.

    Bits? Oh, I'm not sure. I'm not very knowledgeable about bits and how they work. I do know Misty seems to be quite content with her bit. It's a Myler level 1 D ring comfort snaffle. I also had a nut cracker sort of snaffle that I was using when I took a lesson with a new instructor that I really like. She suggested I go back to the Myler comfort snaffle. I have quiet hands, but in a panick (like when Misty spooks) I can react without thinking and pull too hard on her mouth. I'm getting better about that, but it takes time and experience. It has been suggested that Misty may be ready for a bit with a little leverage. I was going to try a Myler Kimberwick, but I'm still unsure and a little confused. I want to add as little leverage as possible as we step up to a new bit, mostly because of my skill level. I don't want to add too much leverage and cause Misty discomfort. I was thinking the Kimberwick may be more gentle than a bit with a short shank. But I'm confused and unsure and will probably consult with her trainer next month before investing in another Myler. I do like the Myler bits, but want to be confident I'm buying the right one.

    1. I think Aragorn or Legolos wouldn't charge, haha! Passing their knowledge down would be good for them.

      You are talking about Mylar bits, too. I am gonna check and see if they have a website. Probably, everyone does!

  5. Haha!! I love your answer to the second question. :D I'm a LOTRs geek too.

    To answer your question . . . bitless!! I'm just not a fan of bits in general (although I like a simple snaffle if I do use one) and would love to give bitless a try. I rode in hackamores when I was a kid, but they were the evil mechanical kind and I can't believe we were even allowed to use them. Fortunately nothing bad ever happened, but I'm sure our horses hated them. Yuck.

    Chrome will be my first horse to ever start completely bitless, so we will just have to see how that goes on my blog. :D

    1. I would love to go bitless, but we need a lot more work before we get there. That is an ultimate goal of mine, though!


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