
Sunday, April 1, 2012

i'm evil. . .

I am pretty sure that is what Shyloh is thinking about me at this point. Why am I so evil? Well. . .
not the picture of a happy Haffie
Shy is not pleased with the grazing muzzle. At first, she did not know what it was, but let me put it on her. She tolerated it, but had no clue what the purpose of the muzzle was.

After I finished mucking stalls, I worked Shy in the harness. After a bumpy start,  Shy did real good! We worked on circles in the corners, and when she started circling on her own, I moved the circles to the  middle of the straights. We ended with practicing whoa, but Shy has taken to turning about 90 degrees before stopping. Something else to work on. . .

Then, I took her outside to test out the grazing muzzle. Shy was not a fan. All she knew was that it prevented her from getting her beloved grass. And she was angry!

Of course, it was quite humorous to me. But I did feel a smidge bad, so I took it off and let her graze freely for a few minutes. I tried to explain to Shy that it was either this muzzle so she could be with her herd and get some grass, or she would be stuck inside or on the dry lot by herself. I tried to explain how the grass could cause laminitis and founder and make her real sick and it could be real painful. I don't think she was listening to me as she was stuff as much grass in her mouth that would fit and at lightening speed!

After that we had a photo shoot with the new fly mask. What a styling pony!
Poor Shy. Such a mistreated pony. .  .


  1. Camryn here:
    OMgoodness Shy. I can't imagine how PO'd you are about that muzzle thingie. Time to strike I tell ya!!! I really feel your pain and frustration.
    About the fly mask, I had the same style though with pink ears last year. If you'd like I can tell you 1. how to get the ears to rip off, 2. how to get the entire mask off in like 5 seconds!!!

    1. Please no! I don't need to be searching the pasture for a fly mask and muzzle!

  2. Pippin here, I want to tell you I have one of those hideous muzzles. Guess what? If I can get my halter off in 10 seconds..... I can get the muzzle off in 5! That thing drives me crazy!

    1. Pippin, you and Camryn need to stay away from Shy! Don't be teaching her any bad habits, haha!

  3. Mom wanted to get one for Pippi, I am not a fan. Poor Shy, she looks so unhappy but mommy knows best. I had to laugh at the video too. She got so frustrated. I love her expressions.

    1. She was not happy at all! Shy was like, I see the grass, but I can't eat it! Poor pony. But better than laminitis!

  4. LOL, yeah, I understand. Kaspin is on the dry lot while the others go on the grass pasture. I think either choice is no fun, but I too have to realize it's for his health:)

  5. Poor Shy!! I'm sure she will figure it out soon, but she does look so frustrated. :(


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