
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

why now brown cow?

Wow. All I have to say is wow. I must have brought another Haflinger home from the show on Sunday because the one I have now is super fantastic! 

But, no, the Haflinger I have IS Shyloh. Shyloh, who has had pretty consistent lessons since March. Shyloh, who doesn't swing her rear end when being mounted or walk off during the dismount. Shyloh, who hasn't scooted or spooked in quite a few rides. Shyloh, who listens to cues and pays attention to the rider. Shyloh, now knows legs have other meanings besides go forward as fast as possible. And Shyloh, who learns from Beth and is able to tolerate me, who is learning, as a rider.

I rode her again today, outside. I started out inside and did a few laps at the walk. Beth commented that Shy has a nice bouncy walk; she is using her rear end! She is very dressage-y. Her walk was very forward. It felt so comfortable. 

But then Louise came in the arena. Shy does fine with other horses, but I was a little nervous. Louise would be practicing her sliding stops and spins and all that reining stuff. So we went outside. 

Beth walked her around real quick and Shy was great, so I hopped on. I even got on without the mounting block! I usually use one, but mounting has become easier and easier, so I decided to try without the block. She prefers being mounted from the ground anyway. At first, Shy knew I was on her and that I am not like Beth. Shy tried to eat grass. But I didn't let her. Then she refused to moved forward. You could tell she was debating with herself if she wanted to try to go for grass or listen to me. She decided to listen!

We did a bunch of walking and circles and I had Shy moving over off my leg. Awesome horse! But then her ears started pointing forward and her head went up. At first I thought it was from a car in the distance, but nope. It was the cows. And the bull was mooing. The same bull that hates me. He was mooing his awful, hateful moo. Shy knew he was mooing at me. 

So I kept moving Shy in circles and she would be fine, until we faced the cows again, then her ears went forward. So we kept doing circles and I kept her moving. And she was listening to me! She was concerned about the cows, but she was not tense and not ready to do anything evil. 

I was going to trot, but I opted not to, mostly because of the cows. We had a great ride and I wanted to keep it at that. Small successes to build her confidence and mine. I hope she keeps up her awesomeness! I just know she will throw a wrench in the plans somewhere. . .but I will be prepared for it.

I really can't say enough great things about Beth and all she has taught Shy and me. I am so thankful and I am pretty sure Shy is just as thankful. 


  1. Awesome! So glad to hear your confidence growing.

    1. Thanks! It is, and Shy is helping it since she is being so good.

  2. Wow, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!! The more you ride the better you both will get & before you know it you'll be team Alli & Shy! Patting you on the back for a job well done.

    1. Thanks!! I feel so much better riding her now, even if we aren't doing much yet. We will get there, no hurry.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! It is a good feeling to be riding her and for her to be so receptive and patient with me.

  4. Isn't it amazing how it feels like you're taking baby steps, then suddenly you realise just how far you've come?
    Great work, Beth, Shy & you

    1. Thank you! Looking back to last July when I brought her home to now. . .it blows my mind how far we have come!

  5. Congrats on an awesome ride! I'm so excited for you!


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