
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

mane event

The day is drawing closer and closer to Shyloh's big day. What are my plans for the day? Well, a show is scheduled, but I am undecided if we are going to attend. My reasons are that it has been way too hot, we have not really practiced, and this week is funky due to my grandpa's funeral. And she is off on her right rear. I lunged her today for a short bit. She is jumping into the trot and not tracking up at the trot. But to be honest, I think the real reason might be that I do not want to get up at 4am! Even though I have my new show halter and new mane and tail decorations to show off! So, if I do not go to the show, I will be working and spending the day with Shy.

In the almost year that I have had Shy, she has been through many changes, physically, mentally, emotionally.  One of the most noticeable physical changes is her mane. My has it grown!
But her forelock remains the same length. . .guess it will never be a flowing forelock. The rest of her mane has seen many different styles over the year. She has had pink hair, a double mane, mane on the right, mane on the left, braids, braids, and more braids, and a unicorn forelock. . .just to name a few.

Other physical changes are her body. She went from being a little bit pudgy pony before she came home to a really pudgy, shaggy winter pony, and back to a sleek shiny show pony! Keeping and eye on her weight (an going through old photos is a real eye opener on just how chunky she was!) is very important to keep her healthy. I am thinking no grain this winter, I can't believe just how much the handful (literally) affected her. And I know now that her coat grows thick enough to keep her warm.

Next post will cover her mental and emotional growth. I think that is were I have seen the most change and improvement!

And. . .I have 50 followers now! Thank you everyone for following our little adventure! Special thanks to those who comment, I love to read the comments! I have learned much from them and many times I am able to see things in a different light. I really appreciate all who take time to read :)


  1. Ya' gotta love (or hate) the Barbie doll manes and their unruliness. Sometimes I look at friends who have horses with 'normal' skimpy manes in envy... they don't understand just what it takes to keep Haffie manes beautiful!
    Shy has really gotten into shape. I love that you have the before and after shots. Just look at how her top line has come up! I would say that's more from being exercised than just diet!
    I used to feed my boys pelleted Timothy as their 'grain'. They got a cup or cup and a half of it, once a day, along with a cup of Purina Healthy Edge and a cup of EquiPride supplement. I just felt like the Timothy pellets made them feel like they were getting a bit more. They thought it was something special!

  2. Camryn/I are seriously envious of the mane. She just didn't get that gene. Though I do have to admit her shorter (though thick) mane is easy upkeep.

    1. Shy's mane is so thick, especially near the top. Like Dreaming said, I do sometimes envy simple, thin manes. But then Shy's mane can be so perdy.

  3. She looks super super healthy :)
    And what it is with forelocks that won't grow? BCM's mane would reach her knees if we let it but her forelock is tiny and never gets any bigger.... maybe I could get her forelock extensions....

  4. Looks like your hard work is paying off. Shy is very fortunate to have you, and I would say vice-a-versa.

  5. Love that mane! Is it super hard to keep the running braid in place? I've heard that it falls out easily but I just love how it looks! :)

    1. Someone else did that braid, the one I did fell out. . .but I am terrible at braids like that. But they stay in for a little while, unless they get rolled on!

  6. I love her mane too! So envious! :D She looks awesome! It was so fun to see the changes in her over the last year. I'm so happy for you both.

    Oh and sorry it takes me so long to comment, because I love getting comments too, it's one of the best parts of blogging, so I feel bad that it took me so long, but I am catching up at least!! :D

  7. Pretty pretty mane! In horsemanship show, their mane and tail are usually their assets and give good impressions to the judges and also contributes to their points.


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