
Friday, August 3, 2012

hobby horse blog hop #23

Here are the rules:
Answer one or all of the prompts. Link back to Living a Dream's post. Visit other blogs. And don't forget to ask a question of everyone else!

1. Have you been watching the Olympics? A little? A lot?
I have been watching when I can. So far I have caught a little bit of synchronized diving, water polo, gymnastics, canoe/kayak, and volleyball. I watch some stuff in the evenings and I have been streaming the equestrian coverage at work (hee hee). 

2. If you could get tickets to any of the venues...what would you be watching?
I would want to see canoe/kayaking, diving, gymnastics, or any equestrian event. 

3. Have you ever met an Olympian... or had a friend of a friend, etc... who was an Olympian? Or known someone who came close to being an Olympian?
I had my picture taken with Todd Eldredge, an Olympic figure skating bronze medalist, when he came to our local skating rink for some event. Remember, I used to be a competitive figure skater, so this was huge for me!
Stephen Peters is also the son in law to my former vet. But I have never met him.
Please don't laugh at the extra large glasses. . .at least I am not sporting the  extra large bangs. . .
. . . oh wait. . .
My question: Has anyone ever been to see an Olympic event?


  1. I didn't know that you used to do figure skating. Impressive! Having your picture taken with Todd must have been huge!
    In 1996 the Olympics were in Atlanta, GA. The sailing venues were close to us in coastal SC.... but no, we didn't go! We did see the torch come through Savannah, however, on its way to the opening ceremonies.
    I also had several opportunities to walk through areas in Atlanta that were built for the games - even Centennial Park where the terrorists' planted a bomb.

  2. Oh, I'm so glad you added the pictures. I must say I was wondering why they weren't included to begin with!

    1. Work is getting in the way of my blogging and free time :)


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