
Monday, October 8, 2012

monday musings by shyloh #57

My most favorite thing to do ever: eat.
nom nom nom
How Allie likes to sabotage my my favorite thing to do ever: put my hay in a haybag.

This makes me so angry! Why does she do this to me? Why? It makes me so angry I want to rip my hair out!

Just kidding. . .another horse got me on the rear. Ouch!  

Anyway, back to work. . .more circles and hills, circles and hills and backing. Gotta build muscle! Note to Allie. . .please braid my tail next time we work on backing. . .I don't want to rip it all out!

And. . .Allie wanted me to share this. She was so excited she couldn't wait. Chesna and Pippin won the Extreme Cowboy Race!! Go Haflingers!


  1. Ha - angry eating! That happens in my barn too when I pull out the Nibble Net. ;D

    Thanks for sharing the videos of Pippin and Chesna - such a beautiful partnership!!

    1. She just gets so mad! But otherwise, she inhales hay in a matter of minutes.

  2. Your videos didn't show up, don't know why. But, we already seen Pippin and Chesna. Mom calls them "Team Awesome"!

    1. Not sure why you can't see them :(.

      You saw the video of them winning? I am so jealous of them. . .but the good jealous :) They are just amazing!

  3. Oh my gosh! Great post and that video was amazing!!

  4. Oh poor you Shy! Our human insists on making us eat in frustration too! Why can't they understand that us equines need to eat everything quickly and then we need more ;-)

  5. Angry eating...LOL! Actually I think it's good to shake things up and make dinner interesting. :-)

    Loved that video of Pippin and Chesna. Amazing!! "Go Haflingers!" is right!


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