
Monday, October 29, 2012

monday musings by shyloh #60

Finally Allie had to walk all the way back to get me. . .
Video in hyper speed. . .

And i didn't make it easy on her, either. That's what I do.

Then when Allie was done with me, I trotted off and took the shortcut through the woods, just in case she changed her mind and wanted to work me!

More hyper speed


  1. Lordy that pasture is huge!!! Sounds like you'll be getting a workout every time you go out there ;)

    1. Actually, after work when I get there is close to dinner time, so the horses are up front. Lucky me! Just on the weekends I'll be making the trek bath there.

  2. Wow, you're going to be getting your workout from now on!!! Love the hyperspeed!!!

  3. Love your new home Shy, looks lovely, oh my what a workout you gave your human!

    1. Maybe she is trying to help me lose weight like I am trying to help her gain muscle? haha!


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