
Saturday, November 3, 2012

auction and tack sale

The Auction
Belgians. . .yearlings, two year olds, not broke, green broke, well broke, broke to machines, teams. . .all the Belgians you could ask for. . . .all the way from $500 to $25,000! That is what the auction had. Jaime was hoping to get a nice looking  Percheron to complete her team. But the only Percherons there were blind or lame or had an asbcessed tooth or warts on the nose or a dropped hip. Poor guys. I heard earlier in the week that they had Haflingers that were selling for $35! $35!!! So sad. They only had a couple Halfingers the day we went and they were not that good looking. And for some reason, their forelocks were clipped off. There was a good looking Belgian gelding who had real nice movement (and he knew it) that sold for $4,500. Overall, the auction was pretty sad and depressing and we didn't stay long.

But we did check out Shipshawana which is Indiana Amish country. That was fun!
Amish Parking
This buggy was very cool. The doors slide up! I think five people came out of this cart.
Jaime and Kyle checking out some nice Amish made chairs.
Super cool toy! The kid sits in the back and peddles and can steer the horse bike by the reins!
Want! It has an awning, the table gets bigger to eat, and it glides back and forth!! Only $1,300!
Giant 6 ft tall wind chimes
Puzzle toy alligator
Cutest Bulldog puppy! I wanted him, but he was $2,500! The Amish do not mess around!
Heard the clip clop of horse and buggies all over
The Tack Sale
Today was another early day. . .I got up early and Kathy, Jaime, Kyle, and I went to this tack sale that was advertised at the barn. We drove out there and. . .um, super creepy barn and lady. But she had some great deals and I actually bought a few things. Then we crossed over to Ohio (three states, three days?) and went to some tack stores down there. And I bought a few more things that Shy desperately needed. I took everything back to the barn and had Shy model them. That's when I discovered the bit I bought her is too small. Not overly small, but just a smidge. Ugh. It was the same size as the bit she was using, but a different maker. Lucky for me, Analeesa's owner had a french line snaffle O-ring in a 5 inch that she wasn't using and she gave it to me!

While tack shopping, I looked for some saddles and saw a few that caught my eye. . .
Do you think this will be comfortable on long trail rides?
Teal is cute, right? Comes with a matching bridle. . .
I actually did not see any saddles I really liked. I did sit in this amazing Circle Y saddle Jaime was considering. It felt so good to sit in a saddle, even if it was not on a horse's back. I want mike to build me a saddle holder so I can take my saddle to work and use it like a chair. . .I won't ever be able to put it on a horse, but I can still get some use out of it! And practice my saddle posture, too. I might hold off of on the saddle hunt and work on Shy's driving. Just a thought for now. . .


  1. I want a Cirlce Y so bad I can almost taste it. But the one I want costs more than I paid for Estes, so guess what I'm not getting any time soon?

    I'd love to go to Amish country - I think it would be amazing to see all of the horses and buggies.

    1. It was very cool. I felt like a kid. Every time we saw one, I yelled, Horse!!!

      I could probably buy 3 Shy's for the price of a Circle Y.

  2. All those Amish buggies made me feel like it was "old home week"!!! Glad you didn't buy that pup, Amish puppy mills are bad, bad, bad things. Once Mom gets around to loading up pix I'll post about my day to day. Very exciting!

    1. I am not in the market for any more animals, especially ones that cost $2500! I have heard about the Amish puppy mills, too. Sad.
      I can't wait to read about your day!!

  3. I love looking at saddles!! So fun. I kind of want that teal one. Was it a martha josey? I saw a pink martha josey with ostrich seat. I have no reason to need it but I have always wanted it. If you can pick up a barrel saddle they make you feel really secure. I have a King brand synthetic. You might want to look into it. It fits my friends half Clydie and my moms QH with draft sized shoulders. You can pick them up for pretty cheap and it looks nice.

    1. I have no idea what make that saddle was, but they had others in pink and purple, too.
      I might just have to look into a barrel saddle. . .secure sounds good :)

  4. Mr. Dreamy and I were in Amish country for our honeymoon. I jumped out of bed a few times to watch the horses and carriages as they clip-clopped by. Mr. Dreamy knew, then, where he stood!
    Aw, I hoped you had found a saddle at a super price. You'll have to come to the Harley-Troyer auction in the spring to get a saddle!

  5. I love that kid horse bike thing. What a cool idea. :)



  6. That cavalry style saddle with the hole in the middle would be agony - the ridged bits of leather around the hole would rub like hell!
    The teal seated saddle is um... cute!
    The auction sounds really sad, I stopped going to auctions years ago, too depressing.

    1. Yeah, that saddle was old and not for sale. Display only. Good thing, I am not sure anyone would buy it.
      The auction was sad, so many horses. So many.

  7. I went to a Haflinger/Draft auction about ten years ago in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It was a very nice auction and there were lots Haflingers going for several thousand dollars. $35 is outrageous. How can a horse sell for that?

    1. Those horses must have been amazing! I am disgusted by the selling price of the Haflingers at this auction. I am glad I was not there that day, I probably would have cried. Or bought a whole bunch of horses I had no where to put, haha.


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