
Monday, November 19, 2012

monday musings by shyloh #63

I am wild pony! Hear me neigh!

I live in the woods where no two legger dare enter. I use the burr bushes as my cover and  for protection. I need to work on my mud camouflage . .  .I have to remember to stay in these woods and not be lured out by the crinkle of a delicious treat. I already know the difference between a candle wrapper crinkle and a leaf crinkle. . .fool me once. . .  I must maintain composure over the sweet taste of my sugar free candies. Branches can be just as yummy, right?

I think Allie has something big in the works and I don't like it. Not at all.I must stay in the wild woods!



  1. She looks like she's been cut in half in that very first picture - is there a magician at your barn?

  2. She looks so pretty in the woods. She blends in with all of the fall colors!


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