
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

a little bit of random

Just some random thoughts that I don't get to write about too often and a few cute videos I found.

Who doesn't love Haflingers, rolling horses, and babies??

I am thinking of taking Shyloh off of her Magnesium and B1 supplements. I will keep her on the loose salt, red raspberry leaf and Maxum Crumbles multi-vitamin. I figure she has been doing so well, I might as well see how she does without the extra vitamins. Plus, the Maxum Crumbles has those two vitamins in it. I have a little over a month of her current supplement regimen bagged up, then take out the B1 (because that is what I will run out of first), then take out the Magnesium. We will see. . .I have been hemming and hawing about this for quite some time. The combo seems to work well for her so should I leave it? Me and my incapability to make a decision. . . Any thoughts?

With this yucky weather we have been having, one thing I am grateful for: that Shy is not a mud roller! It has been so rainy and muddy lately. A wed pony is one thing, but a muddy pony is something I am glad I don't have to deal with! The horses have all that room to roam, yet they will chose to stand in the mud up front rather than stay on the sandier areas out back. And they have no problem being rained on, they will stand outside the shelter if they feel like it. I saw this video on a Haflinger group I am part of:

Whew, Shy has no problem with puddles and did start going in the pond at the old barn (until she got stuck in mud, then got mad), but I am glad she does not love puddles that much! 

In Shy news. . .I no longer need a peppermint to catch her. When we first moved, she would come up to me because she was still getting used to everything. Then she started a feeble attempt at "Catch Me If You Can" for a short time.  And now, she lets me walk right up to her. That only took a year and a half, haha! Maybe one day she will actually come up to me. But I will take the not running away for now. Maybe it has to do with her being outside 24/7. Maybe she knows that even when I come to get her, she knows that she is going back out. No mystery as to when the next time she will get outside is.  

Nothing else really new is going on with me and Shy. The plan is to keep working on line driving, using the shafts, and recruiting headers so we can use the tire pull. I need a whip and a third hand to hold it. Chances are I will be ordering the cart after the new year. Yay! Here is what it will look like, but with a seat cushion!

Aside from horsey stuff, we are decorated and ready for Santa! The tree is up, the lights are on, and the stockings hung. I think our Christmas will be pretty low key, just the normal family stuff. After the holidays we are thinking of a weekend trip to get away. Not sure where yet. I am open to ideas!

One more funny video I found! Don't show Shy, I don't want her trying this on me!


  1. B1 and mag are pretty cheap...I would leave it as is if it's working!

    1. They are cheap and I get them in bulk from SmartPak. But I just wonder if she really needs it.

  2. That poor little one was so confused about getting knocked over. To adorable.
    Don't know the reason behind the supplements so can't comment. I'm guessing the rasberry leaf is for being mareish? If that's the case you can probably quit on that till spring when she seasons again.

    1. You are right about the raspberry leaf. When I take her off it, she is really winky, if you know what I mean. . .I get it at a local herb store and it's pretty cheap. I do like her on it.
      The magnesium was for calming, nerve, and muscle functions. It was supposed to help her make brain connections and not be so jumpy. I have continued to do some reading on this and it lessens equine obesity and can lessen the risk of laminitis. . .I think I might keep her on this!
      The B1 complemented the magnesium. It was also for calming. I think I may stick with my plan of taking that out and seeing how it goes. If I notice a difference, I'll add it back in.

  3. Have you ever had the opportunity to attend a seminar put on by one of the major horse feed companies? I went to one by Purina. I learned so much about feed and what my haffies might need. I totally recommend it.

  4. Amazing funny video. Supplementing also aids in improving horse health. That is why when it comes to supplementation programme I ask for professional service & advice from my friends at Topstock.

    1. Thanks for visiting the blog. I will check out Topstock.

  5. Great vids! As for supplements, keep things simple, a good all round fit / min supplement and salt block are probably safest, it is sometimes more dangerous to over supplement than under. Glad to hear things are still going good with Shy :-)

    1. I feed her loose salt now, because she is in a herd environment and outside 24/7. This way, I can ensure that she gets the salt. They do have a block available, but who knows if Shy would stand there and use it.

  6. OMG!! This all makes me want a haflinger of my very own. They are so cute.

    1. You should get one! Not just because I have one, but they really are something else!

    2. I love indepedent minds and I love mares. I think I would be in heaven. I might have to wait a while until I add another horse. I would be called a hoarder.

    3. Haha! Very rare is the person who says they love mares, at least that is what I have found. I love my little mare, she has so much personality! And she does think for herself, sometimes too much!


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