
Saturday, January 26, 2013

pony sled rides

I bought a new sled. Since it had just started snowing again, most of the sleds were gone, but I did find a pretty pink sled for us to use. After my purchase, I promptly headed to the barn.

I went out and caught Shyloh, groomed her, and tacked her up. We were going sledding! But Shy was in no mood to make to make it easy for me. As soon as we got in the outdoor arena, she wanted to go go go and she didn't even have the sled attached. I did my safety precautions of walking her around with the sled first. Then I attached it. . .or attempted to attach it. Shy would not stand still. It was almost as if she was saying, if you want to sled, you have to work for it. I finally got her still and hooked her up without a problem. Sassy pony. I did my second set of safety checks of line driving with the sled attached and checking her brakes. We were good to go!

Around and around the arena we went. Back and forth, circles and figure eights again. Trotting. Shy's steering was good and so were her whoa and stand. I felt comfortable enough to take us out of the arena. This time, I cleared the arena fencing and took a different, less rocky road.

We went all over the property! Shy was so great. She did have one issue. . .she got stuck. I am not sure why, but when we got to the front Shy refused to move. Just stood there like a statue. One of the ladies at the barn helped me out and got Shy going by walking at her head. After that, we were problem free! We went past people and horses with no problems. I was having so much fun!
We were sledding for about 45 minutes to an hour so I steered Shy towards the tack area to give her a break. She got a carrot and a little rest. Then we had some sledders!

Another boarder brought her three kids to sled with Shy. Back to the arena we went. Of course, Shy was on her most sassy behavior and was causing all kinds of ruckus when it was time to attach the sled. She turned into a top and kept spinning, spinning, spinning. But after she tangled herself in lines and I untangles her,  she straightened out. I put the lunge line on her, just in case. Can never be too careful with kids. . .

Shy was great for all three kids and their mom! She walked for them, listened to them, but really made them mean it when they said trot. I wish I had photos to share, but I was holding the lunge line and making sure Shy was on her best behavior. It makes me so happy that Shy was good for other people. I can't wait to do some more horse sledding!


  1. Pink that's a good color :). Me thinks you've gotten your Mom addicted to sledding girl!

    1. Oops, I meant purple. The sled is purple. I guess subconsciously I may have wanted pink, :)

  2. Replies
    1. It is! And it seems to be a great confidence builder for both me and Shy :)

  3. Fantastic fun, Shy has come such a long way - we are extremely impressed :-)

    1. Should I be expecting mules and minis to learn how to drive soon? That would be so much fun!!

  4. Shy has done well, actually that should read, you`ve done well.

    1. I'll say we both have! Me as a first timer and Shy with her issues she has overcome. I am quite proud of us both :)

  5. I love that you got a new sled and pink at that!

    Shy is becoming such a pro! Those kids will be dreaming about ponies now. Xx

  6. How neat! What a great job you're both doing.


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