
Friday, January 4, 2013

whip it

After a too short vacation to Frankenmuth, Michigan, my husband and I returned home and back to the normal grind.

My first order of business, the barn! I checked my locker and found that the sticky mouse traps did not work. The mice clearly walked over the sticky traps, and pooped on them to spite me.  And even though the peppermint seemed to work at first, my mice like peppermint because they have been eating the  candy canes I bought for Shyloh. Now they have begin to eat my saddle pad. Ugh! I immediatly took all fabric type things to my car. Guess I'll have to keep some tack in my car and resort to deadlier methods to take care of the mice.
Fuzzy troll forelock
I got my fuzzy pony, loved on her a bit, then tacked her up. It was my intention to prep Shyloh for a special sledding guest tomorrow. So I took Shy to the outdoor arena and lead her around with the sled for a quick minute. Shy was normal and normal is good. No starts, nothing. I got behind her and started line driving her. She just chugged along. Then. . . I kicked the sled. I got  quick legs, but no forward motion (that crazy thing she does where she moves quick, but never pulls on the lines).  But another quick recovery. I kicked the sled again. No response. Kick, no response. I kept kicking at the sled throughout our session. Sometimes it even ran up on her and she was completely fine with it. I am so happy how Shy is doing!
Heading out the gate
Being awesome horse
I let Shy kinda decide where she wanted to go and she took us right out the arena! Funny, she didn't want to do boring circles. We walked around the property. . .then had another fight at the gate.
What happens when we fight
I made her go around another way and continued to line drive her around a little longer, then I sent her back to basics. I unhooked the sled and grabbed my lunge whip. We were going to walk past the gate to the pasture with no problem or we would continue walking past it all night.
Ain't no thang
Stinking Shy knew I had that whip and gave me no problem walking back and forth. Ugh! Good think I ordered a driving whip. . .it clearly works when needed! I still had her walk past the gate a few times before we ended our session.

I did find the whip worked really well to keep her going and send her in a trot. Just a tap on the rear and it seemed to bring her attention back to me when she got distracted. And Shy seemed to not want to give me as much trouble. Now I am kicking myself for not listening earlier. . .

Right now, I am glad we don't have a saddle. If we had it, I would be trying to work back and forth between attempting to ride and line driving. But without the saddle, we have been real consistent working on the driving and I think it has really paid off. Shy has been amazing and we have been having a lot of fun doing this. Cart. . we come!


  1. I almost ... almost ... am glad that I got hurt and can't ride right now. (Well, not really, I'd much rather be not hurt) because I think without it, I'd have been riding and driving, and we wouldn't have really gotten settled otherwise in terms of the cart. It's been a good opportunity for me and Mitch, so I can see why you're happy to not have a saddle so you can focus on the driving training. And look at it this way, Shy will have listened to you a whole lot on the ground as you line drive her. Which means she'll be more likely to listen to you from the saddle.

    I know my relationship with Mitch has really strengthened since I started ground driving/driving him. I'm sure the same is true for you.

    Cart ... so exciting!

    1. Yes! I can do a lot of things with Shy now that I have never been able to do before. I think when we get a saddle, this will translate over well.

  2. Brilliant! You'll be Dashing Though The Snow in no time :D

  3. Just look at the progress you are making! Wonderful!!

    1. Thanks! I am quite surprised by her total change in how she is accepting the driving.

  4. Great progress, can't believe how far you guys have got in such a short time - brilliant!

    1. Thanks! I can't believe it either. I never thought we would get this far, not after her initial reactions to this.

  5. You guys are doing so great!!

    Maybe throw your things in a big rubbermaid until the mice are gone?

    1. I have most of my stuff in 2 Rubbermaid totes. But I never thought of that getting a 3rd. . . Thanks for the idea :)


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