
Sunday, February 10, 2013

haw haw haw

What a day! Terry was meeting me at the barn to get her horsey fix in and I had planned on having Shyloh all ready to go when she got here. But, as all things Shyloh go, Shy was not in on my plans at all. I saw Shy out in her paddock taking a snooze standing up, so I got her cart and harness  all ready to go. By the time I made it to Shy, she was looking like this:

All out nap, eyes closed and everything. I would have snuggled up next to her, if Shy would have given me a chance. But she saw me coming, got up, and took off. . .head tossing and everything. What the heck? This was the second time Shy gave me a hard time catching her. 

Sassy pony was on a mission to cause me grief today! She took me all around the pasture, through thorn bushes (where the bush attacked me, I got wounded in the finger, and got my clothes thorned), over fallen trees, around bends, here, there, and everywhere. By the time I gave up, I reached for my phone to check the time. 

The phone was gone. Crap! It fell out of my pocket somewhere while chasing sassy pony. I left the pasture, grabbed a peppermint and borrowed another boarder's phone to search for mine. Bust. I couldn't catch Shy or find my phone. I resigned to wait for Terry.

When Terry got there, we both looked for the phone without luck. By now, I just resigned myself to going to the Sprint store after I left the barn to get a replacement. Then Terry and I both came at Shy from different directions and she realized she was at a loss. 

Terry is very interested in the whole driving thing, so she helped me hook Shy to the cart and she was my honorary header. This was our first time doing some carting outside. And since we have already completed new homework assignments 1-7, I think it was time. I have no photos of our session outside, since my phone was still lost. And aside from almost falling on my ass, Shy was good. Having to pull the cart doesn't bother her, the cart noises don't bother her, and I really think she is good with having to pull the cart. Now we must refine our commands.

I got in a huge fight with Shy about going haw (left) today. She would start to turn, then decide nah, she wanted to go gee (right) instead.  This went on and on and on. That is one stubborn pony! I think she was having some miscommunication with her body. Shy wanted to be very bendy and not cross over, but when she was bending the shaft would hit her and have her want to go the other way. Terry stepped in at Shy's head and helped us go left, although Shy still fought it at first. After that, Shy just needed a few reminders of stand and we was great! Terry even got a chance to line drive her!

I put Shy away and looked for my phone again. I figured a horse, probably mine, pooped on it and I began to kick over fresh looking piles of poo. Nothing. Ugh.  I hung out at the barn with Terry visiting and watching people ride. Then Marlene (she owns a beautiful Belgian, Belle) offered to help me look one last time. I agreed. And lo and behold, I found my phone! Yay! 


  1. Glad that you found your phone it sounds like you have had a rather eventful day, but a good day (when things were going well) at the same time too!

    1. Glad I found it too. I really just wanted that last pic I took of Shy laying.

  2. Glad you found the phone. Hate it when that happens. Love Shy's napping pic, to cute.

    1. She did not love that I disturbed her! But I like that photo, too :)

  3. What a trying day.... but I do love the shot of her flat out!

  4. Glad you found your phone!

    One thing that might work if she gives you a tough time again trying to catch her, is arm yourself with treats and start loving on the other horses in the pasture. They will slowly all come up to you and when shy realizes that she's left out and isn't getting treats herd instinct and jealousy will kick in and she will come right over! It might take a while, but then again, running around takes a while AND a lot of energy!

    Another good one I've heard although I've never used it, and I doubt you will be able to either is to start taking other horses out of the pasture and tying them up elsewhere. When she realizes her herd is leaving she will want to leave too! But of course, that ones tough unless the herd all belongs to you!

    1. Shy is the queen of hard to catch, but since we moved she has been real good at catching. She could care less if other horses get treats, I have tried that before. What usually works is the crinkle of a wrapper, but yesterday Shy was being especially feisty!

  5. Glad you found your phone, but is it still working?
    I guess Shy was not in the mood for work and was trying to let you know. Naughty girl.

    1. Very naughty, ha!
      And yup, the phone works as well is it did before I lost it.

  6. I once lost my phone while working on a big property. It had fallen out of my pocket somewhere in 100 of acres. A child found it two days later lying in the middle of a field and it still worked! I was amazed!
    Then I dropped it in my own field, LBH found it and he chewed it to death. Goodbye phone.

    1. Aw man! I was hoping it did not get stepped on or submerged in a pile of mud/pee, or chewed. I got lucky this time. . .

  7. Dear Allison, are you sure that Shy is not part mule some days?!! Her strong determination sounds oh so familiar :-) Well done for all the great progress and thank goodness you found your phone!


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