
Friday, March 29, 2013

cause and effect

The Cause:
A regular garden hose
The Effect:
Can you find the damage?
Today was absolutely beautiful! Half day of work, awesome lunch with coworkers and a coworker who went to work in Pennsylvania and came back to visit. Sun, nice weather. . . what a perfect day to work with the pony, right?


I took my time grooming Shyloh and trying to get as much hair out of her as possible, while eating as little hair as possible. Then I hooked her up to her cart. I stood at her head to turn her around when the shaft brushed the hose. Shy felt it and lurched forward. The hose got caught and off Shy ran. And ran. And ran. And ran. She ran a million miles an hour with the cart behind her. She ran and bucked and was just wild. 

But Shy finally stopped herself and some other people at the barn caught her. I was shaking I was so upset. I didn't know if Shy was hurt, if the cart was totaled, if anyone else was hurt. . .all I knew was that the whole winter I spent working with Shy was gone. Gone. Damn, I could have spent all winter warm in my house and not freezing my ass off with Shy. And the cart needs to be welded and needs two new wheels.

After me and two other people checked Shy up and down, we concluded that she amazingly did not get hurt. No cuts, no scratches, no heat, no swelling. She will probably be a little sore, so I gave her some bute (the first time I ever had to use it with her) and continued to keep and eye on her. 

Then I had my meltdown. I cried. And anyone who knows me knows I am not a crier. I can't even remember the last time I shed a tear. I was beyond upset. I was going to have to start all over. At the beginning. After we had come so far. I sat on the ground crying while the people at my barn got my cart, brought my horse over, gave her some hay, and were just awesome. I love the people at my barn. 

With the meltdown, came the doubts. Doubts that Shy could be a cart horse or even a riding horse. Doubts that she can do this with me teaching her. Doubts that she will ever be a safe horse for me.  While I was wallowing in my pit of doubts, my crazy horse seemed to sense I needed cheering up and started doing this:
Silly. So hard to stay mad at her!
But I pulled myself together and my Shy work. I put her harness back on and took her line driving. I took her line driving everywhere she ran. She had no reaction. She was walking with her head down, stopping and standing when I asked, no problem steering. She was a little clenchy with her butt and when I dragged my feet she scooted a bit, but other than that it was like nothing happened. 
Pretty tail
Maybe there is some light at the end of the accident tunnel. Maybe we won't be put back quite as far as I thought. I have some great friends in Ohio, here in Michigan, and at the barn that are all willing to help. We might just get to that place we are searching for yet!


  1. Well glad that's out of the way ... so now she knows there is no running away from the cart, perhaps she will just accept that cart is here to stay. She seemed to not be traumatized afterwards.
    Now you on the other hand ~ Actually hugs too you, just making light of it ... I know you must have been so worried!
    I am thinking she will somehow be just fine, and if she's fine you will be too.
    Wishing you the best weekend.

    1. I was really surprised how untraumatized she was. When we had the tire runaway at the old barn, she was very traumatized and would not go near the tire for quite some time. Thanks for the wishes, I am having a wonderful weekend!

  2. I agree with Willow, now she knows! I can't even imagine how terrified you must have been. So glad Shy is fine, and the cart not totaled. Soldier on, I'm sure you'll find the silver lining in this.

    1. I was so scared she would get hurt, but she is absolutely fine! Bonus. . .the cart guy is replacing the wheels for free!

  3. I agree! I am so sorry that this happened though, what a scary moment! You probably know too that I've definitely had my doubts about my little horse as well but not all bad things last forever and know that you definitely won't be starting from the beginning. I can tell you that :) If you ever need someone to talk to or advice I'm here, I've had so many scary things happen to me and Ava that I know exactly how you feel. Take care!

    1. Thanks! Horses have the ability to work all of our emotions, don't they?

  4. It sounds like you handled that really well, and Shy learned a valuable lesson. Driving terrifies me for just this reason, and I am an eventer!

    1. I hope Shy learned a lesson! Driving can be scary, but it is a lot of fun, too! Jumping things is scary to me!

  5. I have tears in my eyes for you. I can only imagine all of your emotions; fear, anger, disappointment....
    But, you certainly did the right thing in putting her harness on and carrying on. I think Willow is right - and this is not necessarily a step backward. It was a good lesson for Shyloh. Yeah, the cart needs some work - but apparently no lasting damage to you or Shyloh.

  6. Sending you hugs! These happenings feel like major setbacks but I always find equines far more forgiving and intelligent about these things than we imagine possible. File this one away in the worst case scenario box that was overcome. I've had many days like you where I thought, can I really do this?? Those days pass and seem like a distant memory, yours will too. You've done such a fab job with Shy, you are an inspiration, keep smiling and trusting in that lovely little mare of yours and she'll grow in to the cart pony you dream of x

    1. Thank you! So far, Shy is more forgiving than I thought she would be. She was a little distant today, but she was probably trying to gauge where I was.

  7. You won't have to start over, she just panicked! So sorry about the cart, and I'm sure that ordeal was really emotional. Keep your head up, tomorrow is another day!

    1. I think I may have actually laid a decent foundation with her and we will be able to just step back at bit and continue on. whew!


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