
Thursday, March 7, 2013

float on

Shyloh got her teeth floated this afternoon by Doug LaRose. I had heard great things from him from fellow Michigan blogger Kristin and her OTTB, Laz. Doug also has Clydesdales, which Jaime liked and booked Doug to come down our way. When I got to the barn, Shy was laying down and napping. By Lukas. I think he is her new love target since Jesse is gone. And I have not seen Lukas be mean to her in a while. I have seen Shy pin her ears at him a few times when I am near her and he moves in, thinking I have food for him. When Doug got to the barn, he said that he heard I had a pony, so of course I had to correct him. Turns out, he was joking with me since he floated Jaime's horses at her barn first. 
The mouth opening contraption
Doug was very patient and gentle with Shy and she took to him pretty quickly. At first, of course, Shy stuck to her namesake and wanted to keep her distance from the new person. But real soon she had no problem with him or any of the tools he used. I like that Doug would show Shy the tools first and run her nose with them before he started using them in her mouth. He also didn't keep Shy's mouth cranked open when he did not need it open.
She did keep her eye on me when he was floating
Doug let me look in Shy's mouth and I got to see her pointy edges. They were not that bad, but they were rubbing a little on the sides of her mouth. He said that it would explain the behaviors I described. But he also said that her teeth were not bad and he recommends that a year is a good interval for her. 
Doug wanted to work with Shy on the grass. . .Shy wanted to eat the grass!
After he was done he remarked that Shy was a good horse and very well behaved. Yay Shy!
Post float eating. . .silly face!
No more sharp edges!!
After the float, I hung out with Shy and all the mud at the barn. The beginning of spring is the worst. We went into the arena to get on some dry, non-muddy ground. The horse that a year ago would wander around the arena and stay away from me now chooses to stick to me like glue. The horse that would not come near me if I stood on the mounting block or was in any way taller than her now will walk right up to me when I stand on this mounting block. And this is a tall homemade mounting block. I love that Shy is a relaxed horse and has such a natural curiosity.
View from Shy at the top of the mounting block
This weekend, we will be back to working with the cart! I am excited, it's been too long!


  1. Oh jeez, you just reminded me that I'll be having the Dentist next month SIGH!

    1. It's not bad at all. Much better than human dentists!

  2. Aww yay! I love seeing the horses reaction they have their teeth done :)

  3. Very interested to hear what Shy thinks about this on Monday.

  4. What a change from last year. You are hers and she is yours now :D

  5. I'm a dork, but I love getting their teeth floated. It makes me feel like such a good horse mom! Sounds like Shy has come a long way.

    1. She really has. :) I thought I had gone too long and was a bad horse mom. But the dentist said she needed a float, but it wasn't bad.

  6. What a good horse having her teeth done, sounds like a great dental tech you've found :-)

  7. Yuppers, it is that time again! I've got to make my apt too, but i'll be taking my mare into my Equine dentist. It is easier on him, and the mare gets to lean on his soft enclosure while sedated.

    Shyloh did good!

    1. I like that the dentist comes to me! And is is easier for me since I don't have a trailer.

  8. I always enjoyed looking back over a span of time to see changes in my dogs, kids, horses, etc. When we are with them day to day I think we don't see the changes - but you certainly chronicled huge changes in looking back a year.
    Hooray for Shy for her great behavior. Hooray for you for all of your patience and hard work!

  9. Oh Shy how brave you are I must show my mares how good you were as they have a dentist appt soon!

    1. :)
      It's simple and doesn't hurt. Should be easy enough, right?


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