
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

good bye winter

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The first day of spring. . .
The shedding has begun
But where is it?

It is cold. It is snowy. It is rainy. It is muddy. But nice weather will be here soon enough. Right?

Looking back over the winter season, Shyloh's first time (with me) outside all winter in a herd, I would have to say that she did quite well. She did not lose any weight. She had no injuries. . .in fact, she actually had more cuts, scraps, and chunks taken out of her when she was stalled! She fits in well with the herd. And, Shy had this amazing ability to stay clean through the snow and rain and mud! Don't be jealous, those of you with mud rollers, but this was the dirtiest she has gotten so far.

And that was because I got her when she was still laying down. I think she normally gets a little wet and muddy, but then waits until the sandy ground dries and rolls (giving herself a sand bath like a chinchilla). I am grateful that I didn't have to deal with this, like my blog friend Martine!

Over the winter we have suffered through the cold to get Shy ready for the cart. We have had a lot of success and some drawbacks. I still don't feel confident enough with her to get in the cart myself.  I am considering finding someone in my area (if such a person even exists) to take a lesson or two and get some feedback and advice. We had to go back to some basic line driving because Shy decided she wanted to boot, scoot, and boogy with the cart. Her steering is solid, her whoa is pretty spot on, but her stand is awful. The only time she actually wants to stand is when we are near the grooming/finish area. All other times she wants to go go go!

The herd also has made some changes. A white Arab joined the herd, he stands firmly at the bottom. Jesse, Shy's good horsey friend/protector/assurance of food also left. I have noticed Shy seems to pick out one horse in the bunch who is near the top and hang out with that horse. Since Jesse left, Shy has got her sights on Lukas. I even caught them together on the other side of the shelter, where they could not be seen (ooh, la la). They are always together now and Lukas seems to have excepted her since he no longer runs her off food and I have seen them sharing.
I am not a fan of the fence. . .but what can I do?
Two other mares that I have seen Shy hang around have also left the herd. One went to another barn and one went to another pasture to be a buddy for a horse that was by himself. The herd is much smaller now. But even when it was bigger, Shy seems comfortable in the herd.

Spring goals include: driving the cart, a bareback ride (or two), attend the spring draft clinic, and continue working on trust and our bond. 

Spring wants (but most likely will not happen) are: a saddle and a work harness (so I can show draft instead of pleasure).

Oh, and 22 days until Equine Affaire!! Who is going?
What is everyone else's spring goals?
Happy Spring!


  1. It's funny we both published Winter summaries simultaneously! Thanks for the link, too, but I am SO SO jealous of your clean horse.

    1. Great minds think alike!
      I was rather surprised how clean she stayed! Cleaner than last year, every time it rained, she got a natural bath.

  2. Those are great spring goals! I just want to keep Simon sound sand get him back working.

  3. I'm so jealous of your clean horse! Whenever Gatsby comes out of his field and we have to get him to ride he is the muddies horse in existance but he likes to roll and normally waits until your watching him!

    1. Haha! He is probably thinking, if they are going to work me, they are going to have to work at it!

  4. Yay for Spring! Lots to keep busy with, you guys have had a great winter. FH says please can Shy have a word with Dragon about mud rolling not being ladylike? We all despair of the mule turned mud monster....

    1. Haha! I'll get Shy on the telly and have her share her lady like behaviors :)

  5. Lucky you, my horses all seem to fall in Martines category.

    1. I had no idea she would keep herself this clean! But when she was stalled, she did keep a neat stall. Silly horse.

  6. Happy Spring. One of my goals is to get my mares driving again on a regular basis. Yup another harness on my list too. Mountain man is getting a new cart. :) Now if we can get good weather we will be golden. Our expected weather for tomorrow ...SNOW. sigh

    1. Yeah, it keeps snowing off and on here. Boo. Yay for the harness and cart! I can't wait to read all about it!


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