
Wednesday, May 29, 2013


The battle has begun. Don't worry, we are armed and hopefully dangerous. . .
My killer team
The purple bottle is our homemade tick repellent. So far, it appears to be working because I have not found any ticks on Shyloh. Other people at the barn have been finding ticks on the horses, but in the couple days since I first sprayed, we have been tick free!

I also use fly spray, but I am always looking for new stuff to try. There was a review over at She Moved to Texas for a few different fly sprays that I plan on trying. But I also want to try some homemade sprays that people have been saying works. I spray all over, then spray in my hands to get her face. Full body coverage.

Next up, attempt to Swat the ears. Even though I did not get all the Swat in there last time, the glob seems to have kept the gnats out. Then Swat the undercarriage. This has also worked to keep the gnats or whatever bugs have been biting Shy off of her.

The final step is to put sunscreen on the pink parts. I don't want Shy's nose to burn. 

I have contemplated putting on her fly mask, but the flies don't seem to be bothering her face (aside from her ears). And since she is out all the time, I worry about rubbing or if the mask will even stay on if I don't make it out to the barn for a few days. 

After putting on all of Shy's bug repelling armor, we worked on side passing. Why? Because Shy wanted no part of side passing during the trail in hand at the last show. She did not want the ground pull under her, she wanted to walk right over it.

Now I know Shy has no problem with poles and I also know she can side pass without a problem. She even went through that phase when she was being ridden where she only wanted to walk sideways. Ugh. Of course, since we were not being judged, Shy was a wonderful side passer. . .back and forth with out a problem and just a point of my hand. 
Shiny pony can side pass
I put Shy back with her herd and discovered how she keeps the flies off of her. . .
All boxed in!
She squeezes herself between two bigger horses! Silly pony. . .

I am open to anyone's successful stories about the bug repellent that they use.


  1. The flies are just getting going here too. It's been cold and a bit rainy for a few days, but as soon as it dries up it's going to be crazy & my boys are not used to flies at all :-(

  2. I like your fly arsenal! SWAT is one of my favorite products.

    1. I am really surprised at how well it is working. I am going to have to buy stock in it!

  3. I love the smell of citronella in the morning. It smells like... like.. Victory.

  4. Clever Shy, let the big guys have the flies! You look ready for business with the insects! What do we use? For annoying flies around Royal's legs I use Avon "Skin So Soft" oil = wipe lightly with cloth. Works wonders, so far.

    1. I have heard the Avon Skin So Soft is effective. A couple of homemade recipes have that and some essential oils in it I am thinking of trying.

  5. Wish I had some butts to box me in! Mom tried so very many sprays, both homemade concoctions & bought ones. The one that works bestest and longest she thinks is Endure. It does leave a bit of a film on me & is quite pricey, but she doesn't have to spray me down three times a day using it. We use SWAT for in my ears & on my udders too.

  6. Oh smart girl Shy three swishing tails work better than one !

    1. Yup! Shy believes in teamwork, and the less work she has to do, the better!

  7. I wouldnt worry about the fly mask guys wear them all the time and I never have an issue!

  8. UGH. I hate flies. I would freak out about ticks. And I second Tmeyers. Fly masks shouldln't rub. My horses have worn them 24/7 with no issues. My only problem has been dickie because he removes them as quickly as they go on. My other horses on th eother hand push their heads in the masks.


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