
Sunday, May 19, 2013

show success

I would most definitely call our first show as the Northwest Ohio Driving Circuit a success! We had a great turnout and everyone had a good time. 

And best of all. . .

I drove Shyloh in the Draft Working Cart class and she did awesome! Beth rode in the cart with me, just in case. Shy was listening great and was very calm. And she was being lazy. She was walking like she had no place to go! And when it came time to trot, she was inconsistent in keeping it up, but that is okay. For our first time in an actual cart class, I could not have been happier! And we got fifth place!

That was our first ribbon ever! 

We also did halter, showmanship, trail-in-hand, and line driven reinsmanship (where Shy refused to enter the arena and our circles looked like ameobas). And even though we did not place in any of those classes, we had so much fun.

We also got the Most Improved award for the show, because we drove in the cart class. A whole winter of hard work and tons of help from Jaime, Becky, and Beth, got us to this point. I will be forever grateful for them.

I didn't take nearly as many photos as I wanted, but here are some from our fantastic day!
Line driving Shy
She looks sleepy
Practicing in the cart!
Pleasure driving class, Becky driving Allie
Pleasure driving class, Flo with Nick
Youth cart class, Beth and Regina with Art
Youth cart class, Chelsea and Cody in his three piece suit
Kyle and Clutch
Becky and Maddie driving Allie, getting ready for youth cart class
Shady the donkey!
Pretty Gypsy pony

Another pretty Gypsy Pony
Skylar the cart dog. He had so much fun, he finally passed out from exhaustion.
On our way to the show!
Grand Reserve Champion in halter! Go Jaime and Notch!
Little Shady
Youth showmanship class. Great turnout!
Haley rode Notch and Kyle on Clutch


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I love these shows we go to, the atmosphere and people are amazing!

  2. Oh this is awesome!!!! You must be so proud of Shy :) Congrats!

    1. So proud! Now I know she can do it, I just have to learn to keep my cool when she tests me.

  3. Fantastic! I'm so happy for you! And proud of you!

  4. Well done you guys! You're such an inspiration :-)

  5. Whoot, Whoot, you're both in the ribbons. How wonderful is that!!!

  6. Loved this post all the pics and fun of you and your friends ! Look at you Shy all decked out in your show duds! You have come a long way baby ! Big Congrats to you and Allison !

    1. Thank you! We have so much fun at the shows, ribbons or not.

  7. This is so cool. Looks like you had a great time! And congrats on the ribbon. The first of many, no doubt.


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