
Thursday, June 20, 2013

i scream, you scream, shy doesn't scream for ice cream

What is this?

It looks colorful and quite possibly tasty. 

Let's have a bite. . .

NOOO!!! Yuck yuck yuck yuck.

Let's chalk ice cream up to another food that Shyloh hates. The list is not very long and includes things such as chocolate, whipped cream, and ravioli. I think it is mostly a texture thing. . .

But after Shy took a bite of that cone, she tried her hardest to get the ice cream out of her mouth. Then she drug her mouth through the sand and even through a pile pf poop. Because my horse is hygienic like that. . .and poop is clearly cleaner than ice cream in her mouth. 
Nothing to do with the ice cream story, Shy just looks super shiny and really dark here.
I tried to get Shy to take another bite, because seriously, who doesn't like ice cream? And I even got sprinkles on it for her. But she kept running from me. She wanted nothing to do with the ice cream. Then I wanted her to try the cone, but Shy was done with trying things for the day. I had to completely rid myself of the ice cream before Shy would let me come near her. 

In other news, we have a fun show with the draft club down in Ohio this weekend. So of course, Shy decided now was a good time to attempt to gouge her other eye out. 

Why pony?

She is not going to be happy when she actually gets her eye and can't see. . .although I could be wrong about that. She has no problem letting me put stuff over her head so she can't see anything. Oh weird horse, I can't help but love her!

Also. . .am I crazy (and that is rhetorical) but does Shy's forelock look like it is growing? Maybe? 


  1. Dang. Estes *hated* the fake cheese, but she didn't hate it enough to drag her mouth through poop!

    1. Hahaha! Well. . .Shy does have a bit of a dramatic side.

  2. Yeah, I think her forelock is growing, too. Hooray!

  3. So cute, overall I don't think horses like things that are cold!

    1. Val loves refrigerated HA gel. Runs to the fence to get his nightly dose and won't let go of the dose syringe. It doesn't taste like anything so I figure it's the chillyness?!

    2. Shy does like those ice freeze things that you have to rip off one end with your teeth to open!

  4. Mmmmm never tried icey cream. Maybe cause Mom's lactose intolerant? Yup your forelock is getting longer. Soooo jealous

  5. That ice cream looks divine! Dragon is rather partial to ice lollies and ice cream, along with fizzy drinks and beer.... ooops! The poop v's ice cream competition is most peculiar, we are not convinced?!

    That forelock sure looks pretty whether it's growing or not!

    Have a lovely weekend you two, oh and Allison only one thing for it, you get to eat Shy's share of the ice cream ;-)

    1. I'm not complaining about having to eat Shy's share! I love ice cream! Shy likes Coke, but I have not had the opportunity to give her beer. I think I gave her a sip of margarita once and she enjoyed it.

  6. "...and ravioli" Bahaha. I can't believe she's had the opportunity to try ravioli. That's great.


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