
Monday, June 24, 2013

monday musings by shyloh #91

I went on a sleepover to Ohio this weekend. It was awesome because Ohio has my most favorite grass and I got to much on that the whole night. But then it was not awesome because I had to work harder than I ever worked before, in the sweltering heat! 

While we waited for our chariot to pick me up, Allie got me all ready for the sleepover. She braided my hair and I fell asleep. . .

But I woke up just in time for the trailer to take just me down to the delicious grass. Allie followed us so I gave her a nice little surprise on the way down. I peed in the trailer and it ran out, the wind picked it up, and it splashed all over her windshield. That should teach her not to tailgate!

Once we got there, I saw my team buddy, Art, my show love, Rambo, Moe/Curly who I have met once before, and a new mare. New mare, Leah did not like me. She put on a show running and bucking and calling out. I was all whatever, I am eating tasty grass. 

Then I went in the round pen for the night. I got water and hay, but I didn't need any of that. I was surrounded by grass! Leah kept carrying on all night. . .she was lucky I had no interest in sleeping. I was eating the grass, you know! No time for sleep when I have free access to the best grass in the world!

Morning came too soon and next thing I know, I am working like a draft horse! This wasn't supposed to happen. Allie said sleepovers where supposed to be fun! I worked so hard and sweated so much I was too tired to even eat yummy grass. So I took a snooze. When I woke up, I picked at my hay a bit but it was too hot to eat much. Next thing I knew, I was in a trailer and heading home. 

When I got home I saw my herd. I made a deep sounding grunt (?) and my love Traveller came out to greet me as I ran through puddles to be by him. Then the other geldings surrounded me and I was in heaven, queen of my pasture. We walked around a bit together, then I dispatched them so I could nibble some not quite as good as Ohio grass. 



  1. Ah the adventures, what a lucky pony you are, especially to come home to your handsome Traveller, maybe you need to swap names as you're the travelling one now!

    1. Hee hee, maybe! I am such a worldly and well traveled horse :)

  2. Ha Ha Shy, love it when you told that mare " whatever " lol

    1. Yup, I am not bothered by the attempted bossyness of other mares. I know I am the real boss! And I had grass.

  3. Have to agree with the Ohio grasses. I so enjoy them :) Visualizing the pee on the windshield!!! What a good trick to pull.

    1. Yes! Allie says we are lucky to not have Florida grass! It is hard and rough and not very pleasant.
      I love pulling tricks on Allie!

  4. How clever are you to teach Allie not to tailgate??? Love the's a good look for you. :-)

    1. Right! Tailgating is bad, Allie needs to watch that lead foot. Braids keep my neck cool in this heat!

  5. It's always fun to hear the other side of the story on a Monday evening!

    1. Hee hee. . .Shy's view is always slightly different than mine :)


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