
Friday, June 7, 2013

on or off?

The great fly mask question. . .

Did it stay on? Or did Shyloh manage to get it off? Or something in between, like an ear poking out with the mask all crooked?

I thought for sure that either the fly mask was long gone or at the very least lightly askew. . .

And the winner is. . .fly mask on!
So, much to my surprise, when I pulled up to the barn Shy was up front with the herd and the fly mask was perfectly in place. I really need to learn by now that everything I think Shy will do, she does the exact opposite. I am now calling it Shyloh's Law. 

But it was not for lack of trying. . .the mask had a ton of dirt and grass stains on it.
Like. . .Shy has no problem walking over bridges, we will just go right over this bridge for trail. . .wrong! Or. . .Shy refuses to do (insert something). . .wrong, she does it perfectly! 

I am pretty sure she does these things to spite me. I am glad I decided to try the fly mask because I think it is really helping keep the gnats from her ears. She is letting me touch them again without violently shaking her head away from me, so I will assume her ears were a bit sore from being gnat dinner. 

Why is my pony so dirty the day before a show?
Is her head oddly large? I think so. . .
Unshaven dirt face
Because I am not taking Shy. Which kind of works out on the bathing front since it is cloudy and chilly and Shy is a dirty mess. And there is a transportation issue that I would rather not get into. . .but I am going! I plan on helping out, hanging out, and taking one million photos! Shy is totally okay with being wild and free pony. 
It's cool, shows bore Shy. . .


  1. Oh, darn, I lost that bet!
    But I totally understand Haffies doing the opposite of what the owner expects. It happened all of the time to me. And, when one was good, the other was awful.
    I like the idea of Shyloh's Law... I'm a huge supporter of Murphy's Law and the Peter Principle.

  2. Well I am glad I was wrong too! Yeah Shy!!

  3. Haha! Those ponies gotta keep us guessing! I reckon they know when something's to their advantage ;-)

  4. K, Shy I have some instructions on mask removal. Find a post or tree (not a smooth one), place your head on it just behind your poll. Bring your head up keeping contact with the post. (The post is your assistant) Just as your head rubs the fence between your ears you should feel the mask lift foward and offa your head. Takes practice but, I know you can do it!


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