
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

wood county fun

I went to Wood County in Ohio, sans Shyloh, to watch some friends show their horses. It turned out to be a really fun day! There were Haflingers, Belgians, Percherons, and other ponies pulling carts and wagons. Me and Jaime made a pact that next year I will bring Shy and she will bring Isaac. . .we will see about that. I took a ton of photos from the hitch show, even though I missed the unicorn, 4, 6, and 8 hitches. But I did get to see a pony pull! They called these horses ponies, but they were built like brick houses! They started pulling 1,000 pounds and got all the way to 8,000 pounds! Crazy! 

Enjoy the photos!
Becky and Jasi
Art and Beth
Art and Beth in farm class
Becky, Maddie, and Jasi
Unicorn. We think these may have been Haflinger/Paint crosses
Look at that front leg action!
Same farm where Notch came from!
Haffie mares, took first in their class
Art and Curly. . .Curly's first show! He rocked it!
Art and Curly with party hats on. . .we celebrated Jaime's birthday.

Jasi, sporting some awesome sunglasses and dual party hats!
Curly and Art. . .love Art's soft eyes <3

Pony pull, 8,000 pounds!
Digging in!
They call these ponies. . . 
Made to pull, they even have studded shoes.
I have more photos at Shy's Facebook page!


  1. Great photos, it looks like a great day.
    Hey, you said you didn't speak French - sans is a French word! You should say you have a leeetle French!! Un petit peu ;-)

    1. If you look at it that way, I guess I speak a lot more French than I thought! It was a fun day!

  2. HOLY CRAP that leg action!!! That is CRAZY.

    1. Very crazy! All these horses are shod with Scotch bottom shoes. And although it is not something I would put Shy in, it does look cool. Worth it with the way the trim and shoe is done, no, but he debate on Scotch bottoms is best left elsewhere :)

  3. Wow, great pictures! Can't wait to see Shy there next year - she'll rock ;-)

    1. Ha! She could never compete with the hitch horses, but maybe in the farm classes for fun.


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