
Saturday, August 24, 2013

shy earns her keep

It was clean up day at Hidden Creek Draft Horses! 

Kyle was cutting the grass. . .
This mower plays a part in the following story
And Jaime was trimming trees with my help. 

Then Jaime got this bright idea to hook the sled to Shyloh and have her help clean up all the fallen branches. Sure! Why not? Shy needs to work around the barn, earn her keep. Plus, I was wanting to work Shy anyway.

So, out came the harness and the sled. 

Shy was more than thrilled to be helping out. . .

I knew she would not like the sound of the sled on the pavement, so I had Kyle head her to start. After a quick scoot, we were good to go. Shy was actually doing pretty well. She was a little nervous, but nothing I couldn't handle. 

We loaded some tree branches in the sled and off we went. We being Shy, me, and the sled. . .the tree branches fell off. Oh, well, it was a good try. We loaded a branch or two because Shy was going to drag something around since I had her all harnessed up. 

Round and round we went, doing pretty good. We had a few snags when Shy refused to go a certain direction and again when she backed out of her traces, but it was easily fixed. But, then we were going along and Shy spooked at the riding lawn mower. The same lawn mower we went by twenty times already. The same lawn mower that was just sitting there, not running, not moving, nothing. But, okay, spook, recover, no big deal, right?

Wrong. Shy saw it again and took off. I was not expecting it and lurched forward. My mind was thinking I should let go so I don't get hurt. . .but it was also thinking, you better not let go and have a loose, run away horse again. Hang on, make her stop, and keep line driving. I held on, got a little bit of biothane line burn, but stopped her. And I don't blame the lawn mower. I blame Shy. I really think she was trying to get out of working. She was not scared of that lawn mower any more than I would be. 

I made her keep working, got a couple more branches, and went by the mower again. No more issues. Even when I took her back to the hitching post and the sled hit the pavement again, Shy was fine. She was so trying to play me today. It wasn't working. Score one for me!


  1. Yay, you!
    Shy looks very thrilled about working ;-)

    1. She would much rather be getting fatter in the pasture. She has really bonded with all the big horses.

  2. Hi, I' new here so forgive me if you have already covered this, but...have you ever tried working Shy without blinkers. I have taught several horses to drive who were generally all around bomb proof, but turned into unpredictable wrecks whenever the blinders were on. One mare went on to a logging career, she was steady as a rock with trees falling, chainsaws, brush, etc, but was a complete fruitcake if worked with blinders. Just a thought. Well done for keeping on top of things today.

    1. Interesting. I have done some ground work without the blinders. Something to look into for sure!

  3. Maybe she was mad that the mower got to eat the grass?

  4. Def score for you . Good for not letting go. She got her mind straight when she realized you were there for the long haul LOL

    1. I want to say 97% is her trying to get out of work. There is the small percent where she goes back to her scared days. Today was not one of them.

  5. Definitely score one - well done for sticking with it! Biothane burn will be worth it for her learning the lesson!

    1. I can say that bio burn is not nearly as bad a rope burn!

  6. She does look a bit unhappy to be doing manual labor!

    1. Yeah, she is pretty much not happy unless she is eating and being wild pony.

  7. Great for both of you!! Very awesome that she's become a farm asset!

    1. We are trying. . .she needs a job to do. I just need better equipment!


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