
Monday, October 7, 2013

monday musings by shyloh #103

Way up high in the apple tree are all the delicious apples. When the two pastures were one, the big horses ate the apples within their reach. Now the remaining apples are so high the the two leggers cannot even reach. 

They have applied two methods to get apples for us. One is using the muck rake to shake the branches and rain a storm of apples on everyone. It can be quite painful if the apples hit you on the head!

The other method has Allie climbing the tree to pick the apples and throw them down.

At first, I was all. . .whoa! Two leggers do not belong in trees! Scary! What is going on? When the branches shook, me and the minions would all run around the tree, but not too close to it. Then we would zoom in, grab an apples, and zoom back to the appropriate safe distance, that we determined by scientific measurements. 

But after a while, me and the minions all realized that Allie in the apple tree was a good thing. We hung around waiting for our prized apples to be precisely dropped right in front of us! Much less work than all that running around. 

What service! 

Allie makes sure everyone gets their fair share of an apple or two or three. Even when Gunny is sometimes a jerk and tries chasing the other minions off the apples. He knows better than to try that with me me, though!

Lucky ponies are we to have our own treat tree and personal apple treat servant.



  1. Trying to close my eyes and imagine how wonderful that would be! Kudos to your Mom!

    1. You should have your mom plant some apple trees at your new home!

  2. Loving the apple season! We are very good at making apple mush and slobbery messes.... FH doesn't like our kisses when we do this?! That Gunny is handsome, maybe he's a bit soft of your prettiness Shy?

    1. I always say that they are making cider in their mouths, cause they can sure mush up those apples good!

  3. Shyloh you clever girly... calling the minis the "minions" totally cracks me up...

    1. Hee hee. They are my faithful followers. I am working on bending them to my will!

  4. You are one luck horse Shyloh!

    We used to have horses across the street from our horse and we could watch them grab apples out of an apple tree. It was quite entertaining!

  5. I hope you realize how lucky you are Shyloh! Your Allie is a nice one. Hold on to her as an owner!

    1. I guess. . .what about being wild and free with no owner? But if that is not an option, Allie will do :)

  6. Our tree ran out of apples last month ... Think and Bee were quite upset about it . lol

    1. We had a bumper crop this year. So. Many. Apples! There is no end in sight!


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