
Monday, October 14, 2013

monday musings by shyloh #104

Goings On At The Barn

Lots of things have been going on at Hidden Creek Draft Horses lately, from itty bitty every day goings on to big huge awesome things!

But I am going to start with the little things. I am back in with the minions. Ugh. This time though, it is not for diet pasture, but for slut pasture. I am in heat and Isaac just can't keep his hooves off of me. . .or maybe I can't get enough of the blue roan. Either way, I am stuck with minions. 
We just all want to be close to each other!
But when I come in at night, I am stalled right next to Isaac. I steal his hay and somehow (I'll never tell) manage to get his water bucket and grain bucket into my stall. And if you ever saw our stall, this is quite the feat. We are in standing stalls because we are only in them for a short time overnight and sometimes we don't even come in at night. It is the best. 

I have also managed to unclip myself from the tie at the front of the stall. Hee hee. I could walk around an visit all the other horses if I wanted to and then go right back to my stall like nothing happened. 
Notice, no clip under my halter. Call me Houdini.
We managed to break back into the barn one day and have a party with the hay that didn't get put up yet. I won't say whose grand idea it was to break in or who started the whole thing, but it was fun! And that was before I got put on slut pasture. . . 

Allie has been almost completely ignoring me and taking the minions out on fun outings. So while we were left back, me and Gunny conspired to start a riot. When Allie got back and was bringing Meatball and Dexter into the pasture, Gunny ran out, quick as can be. And since Gunny is a little scared of two leggers, he is a bear to catch. He ran round and round while I cheered him on from the pasture. Then he took off through the bushes and down the road. Allie was chasing him, scared out of her mind! It was dark and the cars go down the street so fast. But Gunny stopped, realized he was not near home, turned around, and hinny galloped back to the property. I was still running up and down the fence, cheering him on and happy to see he made it back safe on the property. He was running all over, but made it into the barn. Allie closed the doors and he was trapped. Then he got let out with the big guys and Isaac chased him around because he though Gunny was a toy. Then Gunny finally made it back in minion pasture. Thank goodness. He is my main grooming equine.
We are plotters of chaos!
And finally. . .

Terry is the proud new owner of Reba! We are glad that she is not leaving, at least I am, because we are pretty good friends. And if she left, I'd be the only mare. Everyone is super happy about this. Those two get along great. And before Jaime brought Reba to the barn, she had been doing nothing for so long. With Terry, she will have so much fun. 
Whew. Living at the barn makes for a busy Haflinger. I am the only in between horse, in between the big drafts and the little minis, so I have to keep up on both sides of the fence. It can be exhausting at times, but I love it!



  1. I asked Mom what "slut" meant, she said it's a girl who is with anyone and everyone. Sooo, since you're only choosing Isaac she say you ain't a "slut" but, merely a "hussy". And though you may be "easy" since Isaac has to ply you with food (hay) & drinks (his water bucket) that at least you aren't "cheap & easy"! ;)

  2. That is sooo busy! Can't believe you has been put in the slut paddock, what's with the companions that can't climb high enough - Dragon sympathises, girls got needs too!

    Wait a go Gunny, yeeha for the long eared brigade..... not that we'd encourage such behaviour.... we're glad you is liking Gunny, we have been secretly rooting for you two to become pals so we get to hear lots about him :-)

    Have a good week Shy and carry on keeping the two legs busy ;-) xx

    1. Haha! Poor Shy has been having the worst heats since she is out with Isaac. I think because he is fairly newly gelded. Her behaviors haven't changed, she is just gross. Shy and Gunny do love each other, it's so cute. They groom and groom each other and Shy has low wet marks and messed up hair from all the grooming.


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