
Saturday, November 30, 2013

a how to guide

How to get on a Shire bareback without a ladder.

Step 1. Climb on the hay loft.

Step 2. Lower yourself onto giant horse.

Step 3. Success! You are now on your Shire.

And bonus, Reba did not care that she had a person falling from the sky onto her back. Shyloh, on the other hand, saw something suspicious going on and gave a wide eyed stare to the situation.

I got on Shy bareback, too. I couldn't find my taller bucket, so I had to use a shorter one, which caused me to have to jump and swing myself over a it more. I was not sure how Shy would handle it.

Well, she handled it by not even lifting her head from her hay. That actually made it harder for me to get on, since I didn't have her neck to hold on to as much.

But, it made me feel good that after a couple sits like this, Shy could care less that I am on her back. A big difference from the first time when she shot her head up and wouldn't breathe. Now she doesn't even lift her head. And instead of being frozen in place, she moves around a bit like she does when no one is on her back. I can move around and be wiggly with no reaction. Shy even decided to play with a bucket while I was up there. She has this thing when buckets being flipped over. She likes to turn them right side up. We are both getting comfortable with each other.

And I am not sure what this means, but when I sit on her, she yawns and smiles. It's goofy.

Now, if it wasn't so damn bitter cold out, I would want to take her to the round pen to ride! But for now, I'll take sitting bareback because it is super warm.


  1. Very cool, she seems so chill! Bareback in the cold is my favorite too, especially when you add a cooler wrapped around you. Perfect!

    1. Haven't found a thing yet that bothers that horse! And not being worked or ridden or driven in over 5 years. . .that's pretty impressive!

  2. Riding bareback in a barn is definitely a sport for those who can't possibly go another minute without sitting on their horse's back when it's cold outside. Ha ha.

  3. That above comment is SO SO true. In the last couple weeks when it's been too cold to really ride, I've hopped on tackless more times than I can count just because I can't stand NOT riding anymore. :))

  4. I think the yawn and smile must mean that she really likes having you up there!!

  5. Loving sitting bareback on those cold days! Best way to keep warm.

  6. Bareback in the freezing weather is the best ! :)

  7. Fantastic post!! Love those pictures :-) Best way of warming up a cold behind.... is a bareback ride! You'll be there before you know it. Happy Weekend!

  8. Neat trick. Too bad I am afraid of heights. ;)

  9. I love bareback in the winter! Keeps your legs nice and toasty!

  10. Now I am imagining you climbing on a bucket to get on Shy then climbing from Shy onto the Shire.

  11. Shire antics crack me up.

    In people at least, yawning is a sign of relaxation. I used to always yawn when I was about to step onto the starting block for my swim races in HS...the really important ones in the final round of the state meet made me yawn the most! It was years later when I found out its something we do to make ourselves calm. If its the same for horses, then perhaps its Shy managing her potential fear in a new way. Must be working if she's so unconcerned!! Can't wait for you to have more adventures riding. =)


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