
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

goals for 2014

The last post in my end of year mini series. These are my general goals for the upcoming year. They are pretty much the same as last year, but I changed the order on how I want to work on them this year. As you can see, I have no grand competition plans. I just really want to have fun with my horse.

1. Ride
For real. I must ride Shyloh. I think she is at a much better spot in her life that she will be more accepting and not so quick footed. 

2. Go on a trail ride
Anywhere. The back fields of the property, the marsh. I just need to get out!

3. Lose weight and get in shape, girl

I hit the 10 lb mark, but Christmas may have set me back. Work more vigilently on loosing the weight and getting in any shape but round. Same for Shy. 

4. Have a successful year showing in the Northwest Ohio Driving Circuit
Well, if I don't retire from the show life. . . Earn at least one ribbon, but the main goal is to have fun and stay safe. Maybe ride the walk/trot class? And have a fun time with the lead liners. 

5. Work on driving
I am adding this in here because I do not think it is entirely out of the question. I have plans to try a different method soon. But if I don't get to this, no big deal.

6. Continue keeping Shy happy and healthy!


  1. Good luck with your goals, they all seem very doable. Have a happy New Year. And ride, ride, ride.

  2. Your goals seem doable Looking forward to continuing the journey in 2014

  3. #6 is my favorite goal :) You guys will have a great year!

  4. Good goals! I haven't even thought about mine yet. Better get to it, I suppose.

  5. I will join you in your goal to "just ride"~ Must find my confidence, stop being nervous and just be one with me pony! (sounds very ZEN doesn't it....) Happy New Year!

    1. Finding my confidence is where my struggles are. . .but Shy is telling me that she is ready, so I better get my butt un geari

  6. Great goals - sure you'll achieve them together! Happy New Year folks :-)

  7. Great goals, and Shy looks adorable in her pretty halter!

    1. Thanks! It it is the only one she has not slipped out of in her stall yet.

  8. Hi stranger!! Good goals. You have come so far with Shyloh there is no reason you can't increase riding :)

  9. Sounds like a pretty solid plan! I'm excited for the riding part. And the trail riding part. Maybe next year you two can tackle an LD!


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