
Friday, December 13, 2013

hulk smash!

That's what I felt like today at the barn. I was smashing water buckets and the mini water trough. 
The water is a tricky situation. . .Shy will not drink heated water. But this ice mess, she laps up!
I texted Jaime and asked if she had hammers. Then I asked if she wanted to be Thor or Hulk because I couldn't decide who I wanted to be. . .I mean, I clearly have the muscles of Hulk and the silky blond hair of Thor, right? Jaime picked Thor so I was The Hulk!

Shyloh was in a rare sweet mood. She actually walked up to me in the pasture. Love those moments! As I was petting her, Dexter squeezed his head between Shy and my arms for some loving of his own. That pony is getting sweeter and sweeter!

Shy and her minions are waiting for me!
I brought Shy in the barn to pick her feet and hug on her some more. She continued to be sweet, which was really nice because she was also so warm and I was freezing! Maybe she actually misses me because I am out there so much less than she is used to?

On the good news this semester is over for classes and in a few weeks I will be on to my last semester. This last semester is only my internship at the juvenile prison so not having two classes will free up some time. But not much, since I am a little behind in my hours. . . Come April though, I will be done with my Master's degree and I vow to never go back to school again. Then I can focus more on Shy and other things, like cleaning my house and friends and what not. 

Blurry Shy
Tonight, it is supposed to snow 6 inches and if it does, horse sledding tomorrow! Whoo hooo! And more smashing!!


  1. I recommend half-filling troughs so they're light enough to flip every few days to get all the ice out :)

    1. The big trough has a heater, the mini trough didn't at this time but does now. That's a great idea though, especially once the horses move out to the back pasture which is no where near electricity!

  2. Don't you love it when they're snuggly?!

    Dexter sounds like such a little sweetie. :D

    1. LOVE when they are snuggly, except when you are trying to accomplish something a the giant snuggly horse is not horse and keeps getting in your way :)

  3. Have you seen the insulated trough type covers? I've known a few people that made the boxes and it helps quite a bit. :)

    I couldn't imagine trying to break all the ice here. The heaters couldn't even keep up with the cold last week and there is still some ice in the troughs despite the heaters. :( But -25 (with windchills) does that sometimes. :(

    1. Its not too bad. . .Both troughs have heaters, it is just the inside buckets we need to break. Jaime came up with an ingenious plan, but the buckets in the big trough to warm them and melt the ice!

  4. I used to feel great satisfaction in smashing the ice with my heel.... it takes some talent to break the ice, and not get your foot wet!

  5. my guys just had a heated trough installed. They love it! they stand around it taking it in turn to slurp out of it.

    1. Shy does not like heated water, so I am worried if she will drink enough now that a heater was put in the mini trough.

  6. Shy and her minion gang are just adorable! Those pleading eyes could cause a lot of trouble in this house!!


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