
Friday, January 10, 2014

lost week and a half

I have not seen Shyloh since before the whole polar vortex thing. A whole week and a half! I was sick for a whole weekend, then the world froze, then work/school/internship. I wasn't worried, Shy was in good hands and she is a hardy pony, but I felt bad for not being able to help out Jaime and Kyle during that whole time. 
Jaime said that she thought Shy missed me, she was being mean to the minions. She was also doing silly things like rearing up at wind and snow swirls, then getting mad and chasing the minions. Silly because Shy is not a rearer, it is way too much effort for her. 
In efforts to keep the horses out of the Arctic winds, Jaime tried to keep the horses inside a little longer than usual. Shy was not down with that and her and Isaac kept breaking out of their stalls. So out they went. All the horses held up extremely well in this weather. Shy was liking it so much that she refused to come in a couple nights. Jaime and Kyle chased her around because they were determined to get her in the barn and away from the cold. I told them to leave her out since she was being a brat. Every other horse goes right inside, straight to their stall. Not mine. She likes to be chases, tossing her head the hole time. She did get left out the other night, but the cold winds had left so it was no big deal. She survived just fine and is still a chubby pony. She almost got left out tonight because I had to chase her, but when she realized that the round bale was gone, she gave up and went in for her hay. 
On top of refusing to come inside, Shy continues to slip out of her halter each night and roam half the barn. The only halter she did not slip out of was the one she broke. I need to get another. That was a nice halter. Her current halter also gets taken off in the pasture and somehow ends up in the big draft pasture. . .
When I pulled up to the barn today, Shy looked at me, then ran away tossing her head. Yeah, I am pretty sure she did not miss me. She let me hug her for a bit. Then we played in the snow for a while. I am convinced Shy loves the snow! She was trotting and cantering around and I was tossing snowballs at her. She thought it was fun! 
Did I mention that now that the weather is above freezing, it has started raining? Spring, I am so ready for you!!


  1. Bre loved the snow in alaska. At the last place I had her she could come in and out of her stall. There were two stalls and we provided bedding. Bre never slept in her stall no matter how much bedding I put in there. The other owner didn't buy bedding so her horse slept in there. I could be -60 with wind chill and bre slept in the snow. In fact she led a jail break on one of the coldnest nights ever (-60 w wind chill) and left the barn to go visit another barn and we were freezing our faces off looking for her.

    1. -60? Holy cold! I have been saying it since this polar vortex hit, I think most horses actually like the cold!

  2. Our little equines seem to like Winter much better than the heat and bugs of Summer. They enjoy playing in the snow. Go Shy !

    1. They sure do! The drafts were having themselves a grand time playing, too!

  3. Shy looks like she is having a blast! Not looking forward to the snow here other than Rio gets his new rug when the temperature drops haha x

    1. That reminded me, Jaime also put a cooler on Shy to help her dry quicker inside, which Shy promptly ripped off. So, no rugs for her!

  4. What a beautiful snow pony you have! Hope you're feeling better and that the weather lets up a little for you! Have a lovely weekend :-)

  5. By the pictures she sure does seem to love the snow. :)

  6. Hoping the weather gets nicer for more adventures with shy

  7. I know what you mean about not gettin' out to see your animal for awhile! I've gone a week at a time lately. Its rough. C'est la vie!


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