
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

exciting (for me) first!

Business first: Apparently Blogger is having issue with people commenting, most likely when using their cell phones. Rafflecopter is picking up entries, but comments are not showing up on the blog. This has happened before when I have hosted contests, usually from people that do not comment on the blog on a regular basis. So, I guess as long as Rafflecopter has your entry, you are entered, because it will be randomly picking winners from there.  There is still time to enter: here!

Fun next: I rode Shyloh in just her halter! This halter is one that I Frankensteined together from two halters that she broke. 
She looks mad. . .but she is not, I promise. 
She was amazingly responsive and super good. Yes, we were in the back part of the barn, which is very small, not to mention that a ton of room was taken up by a giant Shire. But Shy was awesome. She backed for me with no issue (she hates backing) and carted me around. Whenever I wasn't balanced, she would hesitate until I was. Reba even backed into her a few times and she didn't care. . .although Reba's size does not seem to bother her in the least. . .
From Plow Days. . .Shy refused to move, no matter how many times Reba backed into her.
I was so proud of my pony! I had decided to give it a try on a whim. Terry was there with me, just in case. I cliped some reins on her halter, stepped up on the mounting block and just sat for a while. Shy was nibbling at some hay that was left around. But when I asked her to walk, she did. And when I asked her to move her hind end over, she did. She even did a little spook (more of a flinch) once, but her feet never moved. And this was the most relaxed she has been while I was on her back, probably ever.

Now, would I do this in an open field? Not any time soon! But it is fun to know I can walk around a small-ish area with no problem. Maybe when the ground unfreezes we will graduate to the round pen.

This is significant because there was a point where even getting on Shy was an issue. She was the master of swinging her hind end out of reach from the mounting block. And that was once I got her to the block and she didn't freak out because I was taller than her. Then, once on, Shy would tense up and hold her breath. Seriously, the horse would not breath in anticipation of whatever was going to happen next. The slightest move or bump on her would have her scooting forward at top speed. Now, it was just a few feet forward, but if you were adjusting yourself, you are not prepared for the speed or intensity of this scoot. Shy is now able to easily handle me popping up quick on the mounting block, swinging a leg over her, and moving around on her back. 
Why are we always facing this way? It's our comfort direction.
I even got a trademark Shy smile when I was up there. Even better, I felt fine up there. I wasn't curled into a fetal position or tense myself. I really need to trust this pony more. When I got off, Shy actually put her head next to me, like a snuggle, which I will interpret as "I did a good job! We are awesome!


  1. Oooh, CONGRADS! Baby steps... you're taking them and it's awesome! You'll be out in the field before you know it. :)

    1. Shy is in such a good place mentally right now I can't wait for the ice to go away to at least start out in the round pen.

  2. Glad you're riding her! It sounds awesome and you look so happy :) I'll mention it once and then step off my bandwagon, but you should really consider a helmet. I know Shye has undergone a great mental transformation, but some of her demons may still be there and I would hate to see you get hurt.

    1. I know, I know about the helmet. It was just such of a spur of the moment thing based on her. But no excuses.

  3. Big moments like this are what blogdom is all about :). Huge congrats on the tiny but, huge for you step. Patting you on the back, for a job well done. while I'm not "generaly" afraid of riding. I get fear, mine is unknown bodies of water.

    1. I wasn't afraid until I met this horse and her super scoots!

  4. Awesome. One thing at a time. When you break it all down to little things, they seem easier to accomplish and before you know it, you've come a long way. Celebrate the small victories

    1. Thanks! It has been a journey that is not nearly over yet!

  5. That's awesome!! :) Nothing better than having that level of trust, and from here, it'll only grow! :)

  6. It sounds like we live fairly close to each other from what I read on hillary's blog :) I'm south, closer to the Ohio border.

  7. Congrats on your accomplishment! Inside, outside, for 5 minutes or an hour~ it all counts! :))) I truly believe trusting each other is a HUGE factor! ~ I have spent the last year plus working on trusting we (JoJo and I) are o.k. together, and can be a team, and working on confidence for me! (cuz I AM the weakest link!)

  8. Aww fantastic, great to see you guys enjoying yourselves :-)

  9. Way to go! You're making great progress and so is Shy.


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