
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

seven deadly sins blog hop

In honor of Fat Tuesday, the 7 Deadly Sins Blog Hop - Equestrian Edition from L. Williams. This was fun to do, yet harder than I thought. Enjoy! 


Seven great things/strengths in your riding life
  1. Always open to learning something new
  2. Lots of great friends willing to help
  3. Patience
  4. Humor
  5. Creativity
  6. Having fun with my horse and not stressing (too much)
  7. Shyloh, putting up with all my shenanigans 


Seven things you lack or covet for you or your horse
  1. All the monies!
  2. Truck and trailer (and the ability to drive said trailer)
  3. More Haflingers!
  4. Indoor arena 
  5. A complete history on my horse
  6. Baby pics of Shy!
  7. A Western saddle pad (hopefully will get one this weekend)


Seven things that make you angry
  1. People who are abusive to their horse
  2. Full muck buckets (when I boarded)
  3. Below zero temps and icy footing
  4. Having to work (which pays for pony and everything else, but hey, still makes me angry sometimes!)
  5. Horses that won't load on a trailer
  6. People that don't slow down on the roads when we are riding/driving
  7. Horses that poop right after you cleaned the stall


Seven things you neglect to do or cut corners on 
  1. Not clean tack as I should, ever
  2. Not brush regularly (but always pick hooves)
  3. Not clean feed bowl as often as I should
  4. Work Shy as needed (although no indoor and icy footing and snow makes it impossible now)
  5. Putting a lead rope on to take Shy from the pasture to the barn (had to chase her through a corn field a couple times now. . .
  6. Calling the vet, only see him for annuals and Coggins
  7. Losing weight, that ongoing battle, ugh


Seven most expensive things you own for your horse/riding
  1. Saddle
  2. Harness
  3. Cart (that I sold)
  4. Boots
  5. Thermals for me
  6. Horse (purchase and ongoing care for life)
  7. Hopefully a really nice Western saddle pad soon


Seven guilty pleasures or favorite items
  1. Saddle
  2. Boarding at a friend's
  3. Sunday lunches with Jaime, Kyle, and Terry
  4. Giving all the horses treats
  5. Shy's feet and hardy health
  6. Shy being super cute
  7. My first couple of ribbons


Seven things you love about horses and riding
  1. Friends
  2. Stress relief
  3. The smell
  4. The work
  5. Sharing Shy with kids
  6. Sense of accomplishment
  7. My funny, silly, sassy Haflinger


Share your thoughts or comments, I love to read them!

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