
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

hump day haflinger series #16

Ponies doing dressage? Ponies going fast? Yes please!! Enter the world of Combined Driving Events. Karen Milojevich doesn't describe herself as a horse person, she is an animal person. She did not even get into horses until she was 50! Karen spent most of her adult life with potbellied pigs, but as those pigs got older and Karen spent more time taking them to the vet, she realized that she needed something else in her life. 

At first, Karen began to show an interest in miniature donkeys that could be trained to pull a cart. But after taking another piggy to the vet, the vet put Karen in touch with a friend who drove CDEs. Before she knew it, Karen found herself being taken down the road in a cart with a handsome, energetic, golden pony with a cocky look on his face. She liked him instantly because his butt was bigger than hers! 

When asked what kind of horse it was, all Karen remembered was being told it was a "half of something." And then and there, Karen was bit by the Haflinger bug. She looked for one of her own, but without much horse knowledge to ask the right questions, she really hoped that a safe, cart trained pony would be magically delivered to her barn. 

Little did she know, that only a few months later, that same Haflinger would be for sale and Karen scooped him right up! She leased this pony for a while while taking driving lessons and before she knew it, she brought the Haflinger home!

Haflinger: Magnificent Gem or Mahon
Sire and Dam: Mahon and Distinictly Afgan
Age: 16 year old gelding
Height:  14.2 hh
Favorite Food: Romaine lettuce

Personality: Class Clown
Likes: Marathons and Cones
Discipline: Combined Driving Events or CDE

Mahon. What no one sees is that the embankment is about 6-7 feet above the water level.  This boy doesn’t change a beat crossing water!  He’s the best!
And because one Haflinger is NEVER enough, Karen found another Haflinger. This horse did not even have a halter on her until she was four, but once she went into training, she was incredibly willing and picked up on everything very quickly.

Haflinger: Quick to Lick BHH or Quick
Sire and Dam: Where’s Waldovdbloemendaal and Quicker Nicker
Age: 7 year old mare
Height: 14.1 hh
Favorite Food: Nicker Makers, for which she makes a cookie face to get some!
Likes: Driven Dressage
Discipline: Combined Driving Events or CDE

Quick and Karen
Karen drives each of these Haflingers single because Mahon does not do well in pairs. He does not like others to get in front of him, including pick up trucks! Mahon is also not a fan of Driven Dressage. But that is were Quick shines! She has lovely gaits and is a beautiful mover. Quick is also willing in Marathon and drives like a little sports car in ones. 
So awesome! Quick
Karen had her trainer, Megan Sibiga drive Quick in her first year of competition, but Karen has been driving her for the last two years. They usually place in first or second. . .and had only one third because of a communication error between driver and navigator.  Karen competes at Prelim level, but might go Intermediate this year.  Quick is a great pony who has all the skill to go to Advanced level and Karen tries her best to keep up with her. In addition to their fun career as a CDE team, Quick also trail rides.  Karen competed with Mahon for two seasons. 
Quick in a cones course.
I would love to attend a CDE, just to watch! There is one in Michigan in July which I hope to go to watch. Maybe one day, with the right Haflinger, I could be cruising through water hazards too!


  1. Combined driving is such a neat spot, though one I've never tried. Her Haffies are beautiful!

  2. Combined driving is terrifying to me, but very very cool! Great story about someone picking things up later in life too!

  3. If combined driving scares you, start with a good sized mini. Way fun! I remember Quick getting off the trailer at Megan's as a wild thing. She progressed so well, I was stunned! She really is quite a character.

  4. Love her periodic costume as well as the ponies. I have been to one CDE. My friend from Cut n' Jump, competes in them with her stud pony. I got to run the hazards with her once. It is a ton of fun!

  5. Where do you find all these amazing halfies?!


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