
Saturday, May 10, 2014


And not the kind you eat. Beans and how you get the bean is one reason I am so happy to have a mare!

Me and Jaime decided to give Meatball a bath the day it was 80 degrees. Pointless as that was, since a)he rolled in dirt right after and b)it stormed the next day, but oh well.

Meatball was less than pleased about his bath. But he was more upset about what came first. . .
Angry wet pony
Big Isaac got his bath first. He was awesome for it. And because he was "hanging down" Jaime figured she might as well clean him in his nether regions. Jaime is a pro at sheath cleaning. She has all geldings and their ding dongs shine. Seriously. You almost need sunglasses when they drop. Anyway. . . Big, giant, 18+ hang Isaac was totally cool with being cleaned down there. And Jaime got the bean. Gross.
So next she decided to give Meatball a go, since she hasn't cleaned him yet. Mostly because he is semi feral when he is not hooked to a cart. And he did not hold anything back with Jaime. She reached right up there and announced that she could feel the bean and it was huge. Apparently, Meatball had grown quite attached to his bean because he did not want her to remove it. I stepped in to help contain the little 37 inch pony while he reared, tried evasive maneuvers, and even bit me (little bastard). After what seemed like hours of trying to hold Meatball still enough to clean him, Jaime finally got the bean! Woot woot! And it was bigger than Isaac's! Crazy!
Meatball's looked much bigger in person. . .also, who takes photos of beans? Crazy people, that's who.
As if Meatball did not have enough trauma in his life at that moment, we also bathed him to try and get some of his hairs gone. He is going to need a clip though, he is so hairy. He hated his bath and was shivering, so after, we put Shady's old cooler on him (I miss that silly donkey), which was way too small, but helped him out. He hated it and tried to rip it off. But, how cute, it looked like a baseball jersey on him!
Batter up!
After that, to spite us all, as soon as we turned him loose, he rolled. He dropped immediately, right under Dexter and rolled and rolled and rolled until his was covered in hay, dirt, and grass. 
Wasted no time getting dirty again
He is a spicy Meat-a-ball!


  1. Cracking up! Meatball is one feisty guy!
    Did I ever share the post with the description of sheath cleaning by Patricia Harris? She is hysterical:

  2. Must be something in the air. I was occupied with bean removal today too - although not tempted to document the procedure lol. My big guy is very accommodating about "the procedure."

    Busted a gut over the side by side bean comparison!

    1. Why would you not want to document the procedure? lol

  3. Bean removal is the icky facet of geldings and stallions, but my mares are in heat and they are just as nasty peeing all down their back legs!

    1. Yes, mares in heat are nasty, too. But at least we don't have to stick our hands up anything!

  4. Have I mentioned I love mares?

    I have no desire to clean sheath, but just to keep peace in the herd, Jay's horse is going to have to be a gelding. *sigh* Guess I'll have to learn how.

    1. If only it was that easy. It took a lot of work to convince him he wanted a horse :)

    2. Haha! I can't blame him. Kyle makes Jaime clean his horse, too.

  5. Replies
    1. That's what we were thinking, but seems to have given him an attitude, haha.

  6. Once again, HILARIOUS. I suck at finding beans from the few attempts I've made. Smegma a plenty but no bean to be found.

    1. Ewww. I will say, I have never even searched for one. Yuck.


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