
Monday, May 19, 2014

monday musings by shyloh #132

Aside from being an awesome pony for my Lily, I went on my first real life, off the property trail ride! And it was so much fun! Allie's friend Anthony rode me because he is a much much much better rider than Allie and has confidence, which makes me feel better about everything. 
Ready to go!
We went out with Kyle and his new horse, King Leonitas (Leo), Terry and Reba, Jaime and Dexter, and Allie and Meatball. I did walking, trotting, cantering, aaaaaaaand galloping! 
Meatball was a jerkface, but that is another story
I went over bridges and through water. Water that came up to my belly!
We did this four times!
We also met some other riders and stopped to chat for a while by the water crossing. 
New friends!
 I did some leading and a lot of following. I stayed with the pack really good and even tolerated the carts. I was not spooked by a single thing. And I liked Anthony. He rode me on a loose rein the whole time and was calm and nice to me. Allie was so happy for me!
Look at me go!
Getting ready to go fast!
Fun times!
Now if she can just chill out we can have that much fun together, too!
And for more of my awesome adventures with my little one, check it out here. My weekend was beyond fantastic!



  1. Shy, that is SO awesome. Go you tackling all of the new and exciting things - especially that water crossing!

    1. She was a champ, refused nothing and scooted zero times! I was so impressed.

  2. That's brilliant! Well done!

  3. Anthony's feet tucked up going through water was funny, LOL!! Good times!


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