
Thursday, July 10, 2014

weirdly meh

Shyloh has been weird lately. . . not sure what her problem is. She does not want to be caught and is really giving me the hardest time, again, with that. She is acting like a feral horse and it's actually pissing me off. 
Jaime and Kyle are completely unable to catch her to fly spray her or fix her fly mask if it gets off. When they go in the pasture she runs in the far corner, tossing her head. 

Shy is being standoffish to me, as well. More than usual. And jumpy. I thought about riding her the other day, but she was being so jumpy so I chickened out. So I did a running braid in her mane instead. She was super happy about that. . .
Those are happy eyes, no really. . .
We have continued our trail in hand work and Shy has been doing great. I wish I had more obstacles for us because we both are getting a little bored with the stuff we have been doing. 
Posing where we sidepass
I reintroduced the tarp, which she hasn't seen in a long time. It was no problem. In fact, even in her sassyness, she is still funny. 
Hurrr, I can tarp!
Shy is also under the impression that is is much taller than her 13.3hh. So tall, in fact, that she was convinced that she could not walk under the cross ties with a Shire in them. That explains why she longingly stands by the gate to be with her big drafts and ignores the minions she is stuck with, she is convinced she is at least 17 hands! Much too big to hang out with ponies or give them the time of day.
No room for a Haflinger under here. . .
When not being a sassy, standoffish, too big for her britches mare, Shy has been busy making trouble. She cannot stay out of her grooming bag, and I can't seem to remember to keep it out of her reach. Especially when I leave her to go talk or get something out of the barn. 
She has some serious issues. . .
She loves to dump everything out, then look down on me as I have to pick everything up,including all the rubberbands from the bag she ripped open.
Whatcha doin' down there?
We have been doing a little of this, a little of that, but it all seems like not much at all. And it is a little depressing. But we carry on.

**And, don't forget about the Guess the Breed Contest we have going on!**


  1. :( Shy, be good to your mom!
    Allison, I hope things change and she goes back to being her previous improved self. Is it hormones? Changes in herd dynamics?

  2. She has been better this week. I think she was just in a mood. . .she gets that way sometimes.

    1. Mares! I'm glad she's better this week!

    2. I'm glad she's doing better, too! Herd dynamics and changes within are proving to be the biggest culprit behind Q being wacky. They alter her hormones in a big way. When the studdy gelding left she didn't go into heat for almost a month - weird for the mare who was usually in for 2 weeks of every 3.5 weeks! I hope Shy continues to improve her behavior. What a pill.

  3. I love the way her mane looks. You can come over and do Cole's mane, anytime!

  4. Maybe shy needs a timeout being turned out alone?

    1. She gets in these moods every once in a while. She is totally fine this week.

  5. Any time there is a sudden change in behavior I immediately think ulcers or if it's a mare hormones.... I hope whatever it is resolves soon so she gets back to being her sweet self.

    1. Just a bug up her butt. She is back to her normal self, though it is not all that sweet. Just less standoffish and back to letting me catch her.

  6. Maybe she's just feeling "mare-ish". What if you did the trail obstacles backward? Would that make it less boring? You're so good with the clicker training, I'm sure you'll be able to come up with something that will keep you both busy :)

    1. I think Shy is really ready to ride outside of the round pen, I just have to work myself up to it.

  7. How about getting creative with some of your trail in hand work, which seems exactly like the French Equifeel stuff? Ask her to side pass over cones, blocks, rocks. Try a bit of slalom or send away and recall? Have a look at one of my Equifeel posts for inspiration!


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