
Monday, August 4, 2014

another fair

The day after the Monroe County Fair, we headed to Wood County in Ohio for a pull in hitch show. Luckily, I spent most of Saturday at home, but Terry was with the horses at the fair, since they were not allowed to leave until 11pm Saturday night. So I had some rest under my belt, but Terry was pretty exhausted.

We were not showing, but going to support Beth and her Haflingers for their classes. Beth did really well with Art in the single cart and farm obstacle, but ran into a problem when she hitched Art and Curly together. Let's just say, Curly was being a dingbat. . .
Curly and Art
Curly and Art, again, in step
Go Art!
But, we had a fun time watching the hitches with the horses and draft ponies. It was a good time. There was even a hitch of Haflingers this time!
Cute little pinto pony
Draft pony, guessing a Clyde/Hackney cross. Look at that action!
Men's single pony cart class
Another of those draft pony crosses. So much action!
Farm team class
Working together
Six horse Clydesdale hitch
Six horse Percheron hitch
They had the full gambit of hitches - single, tandem, team, unicorn, four, and six - and other Percherons, Belgians, gray Percheron ponies, and black draft ponies, but I didn't get photos. Spent a lot of time at the trailer with Beth's ponies. 

Do I still have a horse? Yes. Shyloh is back home, happy that her herd has fully returned. This week's forecast calls for thunderstorms, but I will get out to see her and give an update on the sassy pony soon. 


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