
Thursday, August 28, 2014


Nobody really likes change.  I like to weigh the pros and cons when making a a big decision, especially when it comes to my horse. And I generally don't say too much until the decision is already made, because I want the decision to be mine and not swayed by anything else. 

Saturday I will be moving Shyloh to another barn. We will be going back to the barn that we came from. Many factors played a part in my decision, but the biggest ones were that I would be able to take lessons on Reba then transfer to taking lessons on Shy, Lily will be able to ride Shy and use her for 4H, there is an indoor and outdoor arena, and it is closer to my house and on the way home from work. 
The woods Shy loves so much
I am sad to be leaving Jaime and Kyle's place. We had a ton of fun together. I am very thankful that Jaime and Kyle took me and Shy in when money was tight. Money is still tight, but with saving money on gas and other things, I can make it work. 

I remember the first time I moved to this new barn. I was a wreck. Shy was going in a herd of horses on about 15 acres. I thought I would never be able to catch her! But she proved me wrong. In fact, when I turned Shy out for the first time, she stayed close to me. Never had she done that before! Shy really looked to me, and for my independent pony, that was something. Over time, she slowly worked her way to the top of the herd. She could run any horse off the hay. It was quite funny to see. 
Shyloh gets access to the "T" area at all times. 
There are not as many horses in the herd now as there were when we left, but there are no new horses. Should be fun to see how Shy acts when I turn her loose Saturday. And a bonus, Reba is coming, too!


  1. Wishing you all the best in this new Chapter in the Adventures with Shyloh! :)))))

  2. aww sounds like a good move - excited to see more Reba on the blog too!

  3. Good luck at the new place! Closer to my house would be my dream too, I'd pay a little extra money for that!

  4. It sounds like a really terrific and exciting change. I can't wait to hear how it all goes!


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