
Monday, August 11, 2014

fly swatter

The more I think about this kick, the more I really think it had to be a horsefly. Shyloh doesn't get too many horse flies on her, they prefer the darker horses over her. And I cannot stand to touch them with my bare hands, so I do not swat them that often, unless I have something else in my hand and no one else is around. Yes, I am a huge bug wimp. I see no reasons for things with more than four legs.
Giant blood suckers of Satan
Add to my bug wimpiness that Shy is a very independent horse that rarely looks to us mere humans for help, and horse flies have really been a non issue. So when the opportunity presented itself for me to shine with my horse fly killing skills/saving Shyloh skills, I jumped at the chance. I had her by herself, working on in-hand trail obstacles in the round pen. A horse fly landed on her and she began tail swishing and jerking her head back and to the sides to try to get at it. I grabbed a grooming brush and told Shy to stand still, to which she did not listen, she danced around some more. I quickly got her to stand still and went in for the kill! And I got the horse fly.

The look on Shy's face when I smacked it off her was priceless. It was awe and wonder and a little bit of surprise. Surprise, I think, because I did smack at her, but it wasn't hard and didn't actually hurt her. Wonder because the fly was gone. And awe because I did it. It was as if I had a new found purpose to her. A fly swatter.
Here is a little video I took as well, just to show how she picks her feet up on command.


  1. I've yet to meet a horse who isn't appreciative of a dead horsefly, no matter what it takes to kill it.

    1. Shy just needs to realize that she doesn't need to do it all herself.

  2. Just smashed the tar out of a B-52 on Val's hip this afternoon. He swung his butt around and showed me the bugger, and I walloped it - a normal smack won't touch those beasts. Still had to wail on it with my flip flop after it fell off since it was barely stunned.

    I'm convinced they know we're helping, and appreciate it. :D

    1. No, a smack doesn't work. It stuns them so they drop, then they have to be stepped on. They are monsters!

  3. Hahaha! It's good that us humans have their uses ;)

  4. Allison the Swatter. It'll be your superhero name.

  5. I had a horse that would stop and turn his head for me to kill the nasty little fighter jet biting flies around his ears when we trail rode. I would swat and grind them in then he would go on. I too am convinced they know we help.

  6. I'm not one for touching bugs either ~ but I have RUN, and dove thru the rails to save JoJo a few times ~ the giant (bumblee size) ones land right on the top, middle of his bum, where he just can't reach (and they know it) ~ and I think he knows I'm trying to help and stands still, I feel bad hitting him that hard, but if you don't they just fly away laughing at you! I can't feel good about being mocked by a jumbo sized fly!!

  7. Haha! Yes! My old TB will roll his eyes and "point" out a fly for me to swat. He's always very affectionate after I kill one. Meanwhile, the young TB just learned that humans can be fly swatters. At first she jumped when I smacked a fly off her shoulder, but when she saw me squash it with my boot she gave me the most grateful look and immediately settled down. That's a big step, since she's a spooky thing and quick movements like that usually completely wig her out!


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