
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

follow the leader

This makes everything all worth it. . .
Lily got Shy from the pasture and walked her out. 
Lily groomed Shy, Shy napped.
Lily getting ready to get on Shy.
Lily on Shy, her mom on Reba. They played follow the leader and Shy was perfect. Then Lily asked for a turn to lead and Shy just had to test her. Props to Lily for working Shy out of that corner all on her own! You can see the exact moment in the video when Shy conceded and decides that Lily wins. 

Then, Lily asked to trot Shy. Off the lead line. And this happened. . .
Doesn't that just make your heart smile? Shy could not have been better! With a little more work, Lily will be able to keep Shy at a trot. Our next step is getting a saddle that fits Lily so she can actually use the stirrups. 

I think next weekend's show will be Lily's last as a lead liner. Walk/Trot, here we come!


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