
Thursday, September 11, 2014

little update

Just a quick little update. . .

We got our power back on before the expected day! Yay! I feel bad for Terry as her power is still off because less than a week after the tornado, she had a flood. And once her power gets back on, she still won't have cable and internet because the main part somewhere on her island as fried. So in light of the the things we have been missing since the storm, I present to you Maslow's new hierarchy of needs:
It was no easy task to keep the phone battery charged! And since the phone doubles as my alarm clock, it was super important!
The last county fair was today. Beth didn't take her ponies because they got four inches of rain and there was no way to prepare the horses. So we went to watch and I took a grand total of zero photos. It was a small show and the sky was overcast. But Haley and her Haflingers, Denny and Vella took a bunch of firsts and Becky and her Haflingers, Freckles and Jasi placed, too. It was a fun and relaxing time. Just what I needed after the last couple very stressful weeks at work.

After the show, I went back to Beth's and gave some attention to her ponies. They are so silly! Art was on one end of the paddock flapping his lips against his tongue, Rambo was by the fence sucking on his tongue, and Leah was performing acrobatics trying to get a blade of grass from under the fencing. 
She can really get down!
Shyloh has been completely neglected this week. Luckily, I also have tomorrow off of work, so I plan on spending a lot of time with her. I am sure she will be overjoyed. I am hoping to be preparing for our last show for the season, but I am not sure if we have a trailer to borrow or not. If not, I have been putting a lot of thought into getting her harness back out. I kind of want to have fun when the snow comes, like we did two winters ago at that barn. We shall see. . .
This was so much fun!
And, how covered in burrs do you think Shy will be? I haven't been out since Sunday. . .


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