
Sunday, February 19, 2012

and the countdown begins!

I am going to Equine Affaire!!!! If you can't tell, I am pretty excited. I have never been, but one year, they had this. . .
How cool! Haflinger heaven! I cannot wait to see what is going to be there this year. And I can't wait to buy lots of stuff for Shyloh! If I could, I would be doing backflips right now!

Me and Shy had a fun day today! The weather was decent, but the sun was out so it warmed up a bit. I took Shy on a trail walk. I decked her out in her rhythm beads and saddle so she could get used to them, then we walked through the fields.
Ready to go!
Once we got out a ways, I put my foot in the stirrup and just put some weight on Shy. . . just to see what she would do. At first, she kept stepping away, but eventually, she stood there. Yay for us!
Can't resist eating grass
She is ready for the trails. . .but am I?
When we got back, Shy and Dulce played around in the arena. She likes having a girlfriend amongst all the geldings. And since they both have some junk in their trunk, the song is most appropriate.
As of today, there are 53 more days until Equine Affaire! Anyone else going?


  1. Yay, I'm going to equine too. I hope to show Pippi in a clinic. There is lots of stuff there. I suggest you walk around and see everything first then once you see everything go back and buy whatever you want. Some dealers have the same thing for cheaper.

  2. I'll be there too. All day Sat. & Sun, we're doing the Fanastatia Sat. night if you can it's a must see. This will be year 3 for me. Have my shopping list all ready. Bummer we already have our Hotel Rm. full or I'd invite you to stay with us.
    My shopping list began last month LOL
    Shy looks awesome in her saddle.

    1. Oh man. We will be there Thurs and Fri, leaving oni Sat. We are seeing the Fanatsia, too! But on Friday night. We will probably miss each other there. I am so excited, I could burst!

  3. I'm not going, but if it were close to me I would!

    It's good to hear that you and Shy are making progress =D

    1. Thanks!
      I am sure you guys probably have lots of other cool events where you live, though.

    2. Unfortunately we don't. I literally live in the middle of nowhere, we have to drive for an hour just to do groceries - if you run out of milk in the middle of the week, you're screwed lol.

  4. I wish I were going to EA. Where is it this year anyway?

    Great video!!


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