
Saturday, February 18, 2012

equestrian johnny depp

I posted a photo of Equestrian Ryan Gosling on my Facebook the other day. It's a pretty funny concept, but Ryan Gosling doesn't really do it for me or Shyloh. So I created my own version. 

I present to you. . .Equestrian Johnny Depp!
Okay Johnny Depp, may I call you Johnny? I will tell you ALL about how cute Shy was today. 

Shy started her day eating hay out of a wheelbarrow. I am not sure if you are aware, Johnny, but hay out of a wheelbarrow is much better than hay from the ground in the stall. If the wheelbarrow has hay and poop in it to pick through, bonus! 
Nom nom! No poop here.
As soon as I got to the barn, I checked on Shy's leg. Johnny, you might not be aware, but yesterday Shy had heat in her leg, which is a bad thing. Today, there was no heat and she still did not show any signs of pain or stiffness. I was fully prepared to keep her inside and cold hose her leg all day long. I even had my epsom salts. But, since she didn't have any heat in her leg and seemed fine, I made the executive decision to let her go out with her herd.

Johnny, that was the best idea I made all day! The weather was spring-like (in the middle of February!!) and all the horses were in a playful mood! Shy, Casi, Chick, and Dulce were so cute playing in the muddy pasture. Of course, I did not have my video camera when I wanted it the most. 

But I did have my video camera when I called for Shy to come in and she came to the gate to see me! Johnny, you have no idea how happy this makes me! It has taken us seven months to get to this point! She did this yesterday, but I thought it might have been a fluke. Looks like this might be the newer cuter side of Shy. And I had another successful day of putting her halter on her without a peppermint bribe!

I brought Shy inside and checked her leg again. No heat! This is a good thing, Johnny! We walked through the barn to explore some more and I gave her a little hay to eat. Kathy shared some carrots with Shy and Casi, which they loved! 

Then I gave Shy the royal spa treatment. I used all the brushes I had. I got all the mud off of her legs and tail and where ever else the mud landed on her. I conditioned her hooves. I braided her tail. I attempted to tame her mane. She was really enjoying herself in the cross ties and was falling asleep. She loves to be pampered! Very cute.

You should see her Johnny, she is so smart! The last part of our day was spent working on our new trick. Shy is coming along very well so we should be unveiling it soon. The trick is not fantastic by any means, but it is our start into doing more and more tricks. 

So, is Shy not the cutest pony you have ever seen, Johnny? Yeah, I think so to! Any time you want to listen to me talk about her, I am ready.
So right. 


  1. Johnny here:
    Hee hee just kidding it's me Camryn! Mom just busted a gut bout Johnny wanting to know what you did today though. The video of you coming for your Mom was way super. Way to go girl, that's gonna earn you mucho yummies for sure.

    1. Haha! Camryn, you are too funny! Shy did get her peppermint for being such a good girl.

  2. Too cute! Didn't look like she was too thrilled about navigating the mud, but she knew it was worth it!! Very cool!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, they navigate the mud to get to the back and stay in the back of the pasture until it's time to come in. I wish this mud would dry up already!

  3. Love it.... Johnny Depp is one of my favorite fantasy guys!
    Love the 'lake' in the pasture. Yeeuchh!
    Oh... warning... when the grass turns green, don't take it personally if Shy doesn't come running in to see you!

    1. I was wondering if she had green grass if I would be ignored again, haha!

  4. Love me some Depp but Depp and ponies!! *swoon*

    Very cute post.

  5. Another Johnny Depp lover here lol. I cracked up reading this. Well done. Poor Shy doesn't like mud huh? It looks like you guys need a warm, windy day to dry things out. :)


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