
Thursday, April 19, 2012

hobby horse blog hop #9

Here are the rules:
Answer one or all of the prompts. Link back to Living a Dream's post. Visit other blogs. And don't forget to ask a question of everyone else!
1. Tell us a bit about your feelings or experiences regarding musicals. Do you like them? Have you been in one? What recollections might you have about musicals?
I love love love musicals! I have no musical talent whatsoever, but I am so amazed by those that do. So, no, I have never been in one. So far, Wicked is my favorite. 

2. Tell about a near miss or fall that was simply stupid. Don't scare me. . .or other readers!
Well, my most recent fall off Shy was on a Friday the 13th. In February. And mt tailbone still hurts from it. I don't know what she spooked at or if it was just her way of saying she was done, so I feel it was stupid on her part, haha.

3. What song (or part of a song) defines an event in your week?
Too many choices! I will have to go with Patience by Guns n Roses. This little horse just wants to keep testing me!

Said woman (mare) take it slow, and it'll work itself out fine

All we need is just a little patience
Said sugar take it slow and we'll come together fine
All we need is just a little patience

My question: What are you favorite kind of boots?


  1. Wicked is playing in Denver... but the tickets are out of sight. Hmmm.... maybe?!
    Perhaps we can visit... sitting on soft cushions with or without an ice pack on our tail bones! Currently I waddle when I walk.... I have to go out of town next week - I hope I don't have to waddle through the airport!
    What a perfect song!

    Boots???? For me or the horses? I have two pair of Ariat boots that I use in the barn. This winter I had a pair with 'thinsulate' lining. My feet were never cold! I don't use boots on the horses - at least not yet. I've thought of looking into boots to use if I ever took the boys on rocky trail rides. But... in light of the fact that Doc just dumped me... I'm not sure I want him doing that on rocks - so, maybe we won't 'go there'!!! LOL

  2. I have a pair of grey Ariat lace ups I love.

  3. I can't get my feet in Ariats - I've tried. The arch is "funny" and hurts like hell. However, I do love my Justins.

  4. Ariats don't fit me at all. I love all of the colors and patterns they make them in though! Some beautiful boots for sure.

    Style wise I prefer pointed toe, and black. Black boots seem to match whichever show outfit I have put together.

    As for durability, I found a beautiful pair of Durangos. MY first pair lasted 2 years, my second I am still wearing and they are going on 4 years. Woohoo durability and beauty!

  5. I don't use boots on the horses, so don't really have an opinion on those.

    As for me, I like paddock boots (haven't worn tall boots, but don't think I would like them!!) in black. I have a pair of Ariats that I like, but they are too small for me, so they aren't horribly comfortable. Since I'm 5'11" I have big feet and they didn't have my size. I had to have a pair that day though so I bought them and since I bought them I will use them until they are worn out lol. Hopefully soon I'll have money to find me a nice pair though. Maybe then I'll know enough to have a preference.


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