
Friday, April 20, 2012


I have retired my Ariat boots. I think it was time. . .
Pretty good for wearing them almost every day for a year, doing all kinds of barn things in them! They have been replaced by these. . .
I can work at the barn with these. They are comfy, I had them on today.

And I hope to get another pair of boots soon. Oh boots, I will miss you and all we have been through!

On a rougher note. . .Shyloh is really pushing my buttons! I wanted to do some round pen work with her before the rain came, but I am pretty sure I got much more of a workout than Shy. 
First was the battle with the grass. She keeps coming up with new ways to eat it. When I turn her, she dips to head to grab a bite each time. Then, Shy made her circles smaller so she was on the grass and not the track of the round pen. Ugh! Next, she refused to go into a canter when I asked her. I pretty much had to chase her to get her into that gait. Not how the round pen is supposed to work. The only really good thing she did was when    I asked her to whoa, she would stop and turn into me. I held her at that whoa for a bit (pushing my luck), but she did not lower her head to graze. Whoo hoo! Then it started to rain and we went inside. At least we ended on a good note.
I did some clicker training with Shy and the mounting block. It took a while, but we eventually made some progress. I could tell she was getting irritated; she kept swishing her tail every time I moved her back over to the block. My goal is for her to stop stepping away from the block when I step up on it. I think that this will be useful when (if) I go on trail rides and I need to step on something to get on her and no one is available to hold her. It is a work in progress. . . as is everything with this sassy horse!


  1. Haflingers are SO good at snatching grass :) They are quite innovative about the whole thing.

    1. Much to my frustration! When I feel we have gotten over one way, she invents another.

  2. Your new boots are very similar to mine.
    Sometimes I wonder just who is training who!

  3. I have those boots as does my neighbor. Love em, so comfy. When Shy acts up just remain calm and repeat "this is a test, this is only a test" then turn your siren on :) Clicking for mounting really helped Camryn & I. Can't recall the last time she stepped away while mounting.

    1. Good news about the mounting! I have hope!
      I think these boots are a winner!

  4. I have those boots as well! They're great for riding and hiking too!

    1. Well, I guess I picked a popular pair! Good to know they are great for riding, I was not sure of that. Keeping up with Le Big Trek!

  5. I really like Durangos! That's my boot of choice. My mom likes Justins, but my Durangos have held up for going on 4 years.

  6. I want some of those boots. They looks so comfortable! I'll have to add them to my Christmas list lol.


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