
Monday, August 5, 2013

monday musings by shyloh #96

Well I am a little bit confused as to whether or not I am having a long sleepover or if I have moved to a new home. I am not sure why I would move, I liked where I was! I had lots of room to walk about (cause I don't really run), lots of fruits to eat at my leisure, and I was top of the herd. 

Now, I am just trying to fit in with some giant horses and a mini donkey. Clutch does not like me at all, but then, he never did. I spend my time between Notch and Isaac and where ever Isaac is, Shady is. And I am okay with that. Eventually, my charm will work it's way until I am fully accepted by the herd. Now with Reba, the other mare, I can kinda boss her around a bit. . .but she mostly sticks with Clutch, so bossing her is harder to do. 

I have my own special stall where I get fed. At least this way, none of the big horses can steal my delicious food or night night hay. And I am next to Isaac and he shares his oats with me. Yum. 

So far, if I have to stay here, I think I will be okay. There is lots of grass and hay is always available! How can you beat that? And even if I have to work some, I think it will be fun. Plus, these horses do the same kind of work as me. . .driving! And there is an apple tree to snack on. . . even if I can't reach the apples, they are shockingly delicious. I am not sure if anyone has had a formal introduction my my new herd, so here goes. . .

Reba. . .love those blue eyes. Her and Clutch look a lot alike, but she has a long tail
Clutch in his fly mask
I think I will get along best with Isaac and Shady, they are friendly and goofy like me!
My butt smells so good, just ask Isaac!


  1. Haha, "my butt smells so good!!!" silly mare!

    Good luck with your new buddies Shyloh

    1. We are working it out. Everyone loves me, except for Clutch, the grumpy old man horse.

  2. I'm thinking your a mighty lucky girl to have a hunk like Isaac checking you out. Sure hope you like it there

    1. I am liking it!! Lots of big hunky guys and lots to eat :)

  3. How could Isaac resist that cute butt?? Loving Shady and his magnificent ears, you're gonna have sooo much fun with this gang!

    1. Shady is too funny! She thinks her ears make her big, like Isaac :)

  4. Nice new digs! I love the other drafties in your herd too.

    1. Love the drafts! They are the sweetest horses ever. Isaac gives hugs, which is so cute.


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